**** boy i got three cars on the road at the moment and i don't have a clue what mpg i get from any of them.. its empty ..fill it..its empty ..fill it....its don't matter what mpg you get if its empty its needs more.
Your MPG will depend on the vehicle being tuned, correct tyre pressure, what tyres you run on (if you're running around on mud tyres then forget it!) roof rack fitted, town driving, short journeys and how heavy your right foot is!

I'm with Slob on this one, when its empty, fill it!
So, do people here think supermarket fuel is good or bad or same as, say BP fuel?

I have a view that supermarket fuel is a bit lack lustre? I went off a well known supermarket brand after I found a load of paint in the tank filler filter. I complained, but the attendant (Vicky Pollard lookalike) said it wasn't their paint.

Now i know my series 3 drops a bit of oil and some paint. However, the paint inside the vehicle is sound and not flaky.

18.5 mpg at the moment - hope to better this on forthcoming expedition to Chatham.
series 111's can run on nail varnish remover.;the engines ran well on the old two star or the combat gas the army used and i think thats about 3 1/3 octane.
the paint in yer filter probelly came from the inside of yer tank. if you want to fix it you have to take the tank off and treat with special stuff that i can't remember the name of. i think you can get it from a company called eastwoods or is that eastwicks.

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