
New Member
Have some great news for you all !!!!!

On Friday 22nd Oct a complete c@£t by the name of Peter Ballentyne who was on here under the name of "smartuki" was sent down for 21 months at Winchester crown court. He has been prolific in the stolen Land Rover scene and just about any other car the f@£ker could get hold of. He lived in Windsor and if any of you lost a Land Rover around that area or Hampshire he probably had something to do with it. He also went under the name of "proper-broken" on ebay where he sold a lot of stolen cars and parts. Check out item number 250707914079 for the last Landy he sold on the 14th Oct. If it's not stolen it will have stolen parts on it, hopefully no one on here bought it.
So hopefully the c@£t will be in a cell with a bloke called Gloria who wants him to be her bitch for a long time to come,,,,,think hanging or cutting off the c£@ts hands would be better to be honest.

I know all of this as I got caught out with a landy I bought on here over 2 years ago, it's taken that long to get the bastard sent down, he was so sure he would get away with it, don't think he banked on a Police women who decided to go hell for leather with the prick, first he knew of it was when his door was smashed in by the Police over a year ago. It's taken a long time to put him down but pretty happy he has had a serious worry to deal with for a long time and now the c@£t is banged up!!!

One less thief we have to worry about for a while ;-)
I know 21 months is not great but it's better than nothing,,,,,also Gloria may be having the c@£t right now ;-) .............Killing him would be much better!!!!
Forgot to say. Ebay was told about this guy by myself and the Police, the Police proved what he was up to and told ebay,,,,,guess what!!!! ebay did nothing about him and were happy to have them on their site as he was paying them fee's!!!!!!!! ebay need's sorting out big time!!!! If any of you are interested check out item no 250709810832, it's his last add thats still on there as he was trying to sell off anything of value incase he got sent down,,,,,even has a number on his add if any of you want a laugh or to send him your best wishes ;-)
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Great news, shame it was only 21 months. If he'd hacked into a computer system he would get life, but stealing motor vehilces over a long period of time he got 21 months. ****ing joke.
This peice of filth should have bee nailed to a tree and had his bollox ripped off by my two bull terriers for their breakfast:censored:
Forgot to say. Ebay was told about this guy by myself and the Police, the Police proved what he was up to and told ebay,,,,,guess what!!!! ebay did nothing about him and were happy to have them on their site as he was paying them fee's!!!!!!!! ebay need's sorting out big time!!!! If any of you are interested check out item no 250709810833, it's his last add thats still on there as he was trying to sell off anything of value incase he got sent down,,,,,even has a number on his add if any of you want a laugh or to send him your best wishes ;-)

If they were made aware of it and continued to recieve money from him knowing that he was selling stolen goods could they not be done for something like aiding and abetting or knowingly allowing the sale of stolen goods ?

If they get money from selling stolen goods then surely their as guilty of theft as he was ?

Coont should be having fun with Bubba in the showers now anyway, anyone gonna send him some vaseline ?
Ebay don't give a s@@t !!!!! Had many a phone call to them, police told them too and also got details of everything he sold on there. If anyone wants his address am pretty happy to give it out as now he has been sentenced I can say and do as I please about the w@£$ker !!!!! As soon as he is out he will be nicking Landys again within days!!!! He was sent down for the same thing a few years ago, he is a pretty thick twot but also I think he obviously missed his arse being raped in jail and wanted to get back in as fast as he could.

Heres his details so you can all be aware of him.

Peter Ballentyne

Ebay name "proper-broken" ( has several more but this one he keeps using, or did till he went to jail.
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Now we know where he lives.......Why not let's all pop round whilst he's "away" and see how he likes having his stuff walk! ;>)
Now we know where he lives.......Why not let's all pop round whilst he's "away" and see how he likes having his stuff walk! ;>)

you really think he owns any of the possessions in that house? bet its all stolen
Great news, shame it was only 21 months. If he'd hacked into a computer system he would get life, but stealing motor vehilces over a long period of time he got 21 months. ****ing joke.
it makes me sick!he gets 21 months? but if i caught him in my motor with all the ignition ripped to bits and gave him a beating id be lookin at 5 year.
ive allready had 1 90 pinched,by chance i located parts on ebay,had pics to prove and the police said there was nothing they could do,the thieves must laughing at us
it makes me sick!he gets 21 months? but if i caught him in my motor with all the ignition ripped to bits and gave him a beating id be lookin at 5 year.
ive allready had 1 90 pinched,by chance i located parts on ebay,had pics to prove and the police said there was nothing they could do,the thieves must laughing at us

I stumbled upon some stuff which belonged to work on eBay... it was obvious it belonged to work as these things are custom made and we are the only customer... Tried to get BTP to get involved as it was transport related, with not too much luck, until we finally got someone at director level (we are talking a v. big company here, so v. senior person) to talk to someone at a similar level in BTP - i then got a phone call, apology, and a resolution in no time what so ever

Goes back to who you know really doesn't it :(

As much as i agree with what all of you have said, i have had to remove his address for fear of repercussions. It would be a real shame if some of you got his address and went round there, but the last thing we want is Landyzone landing in court.

The laws a **** house, what more can i say...

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