New Member
About to pick up my dream Landy. Had a couple of old 90s in the past. My new one is a birthday present to me and my life-long keeper. I am desperate to know how best to protect her. Can any of you guys give me the soup to nuts on just how, please? Steering locks, pedal guards, cctv, the lot! Thank you.
Well without the crystal ball and a wild guess here I would do a little local search of police records of stolen Land Rovers. Because as your nearer to continental Europe than I in leafy Manchester my guess would be a greater chance for Light Finger Petre obtain your new Landy. Depending on Insurance recommendations Thatchams is standard. Most would prefer a pitbull with anger issues that starved for fresh kill.
Hi not easy, try keeping it in the back garden with camouflage net over it a a big dog to sleep in it each night, when you look at most of the posts on here it is odd any get stolen, as most owners do not seam to manage to get them to go even with the keys :)
But joking apart a tracker means you stand more chance of getting it back, any extra locks will help, keeping in a locked garage with another car parted in front makes it very hard when at home, but when out will not help
A second vote for the Disklok also - but you do need to use it as well - as just buying it will not help :)
True words. ;)
I have a Disklok then added an X-eng pedal lock and was tempted not to use the DL as is is a bit of a faff especially with the older type steering wheel stolen from a bus. But paranoia prevails and I use both, p/l whenever I leave the Landy for a short time e.g. petrol or popping in/out of a shop, but p/l and d/l for anything longer than 10 minutes.
@NWW I have also fitted a hidden starter cutoff switch and have yet to wire in a hidden fuel pump kill switch; these are switched off whenever I leave the Landy.
A tracker could be worth it but I've yet to get one. I think a lot depends on the Landy; a shiny Tdci, late TD5 or blinged up job would be more nickable than my scruffy farmer's hack*, although it would make a useful ram-raiding tool or spare parts supply :eek:
As the season of winter cheer is coming I might ask for an X-eng steering column lock to slow the bu**gers down - if they want it nothing will stop them, just slow them down and make it a hassle and time consuming.
*goes better than she looks:cool:
There are many anti-theft devices available. Steering wheel locks are highly visible through the windows and provides an immediate deterrent. After all, for every LR with a steering lock there are ten without one. But my issue with these physical barriers is that they all have a weak point - the lock. There are ways of opening locks without the key (a locksmith could tell you but they won't ;)). Duplicate and dummy keys are available. Only a few years ago hundreds of Ford Transits were broken into and either stolen of the poor tradesman had all of their tools stolen. There was no sign of damage and no clue to how it was done. Many insurance companies refused to settle the claim because it appeared the van had been left unlocked. It later emerged that an adjustable key which would fit any Transit van was available on ebay for £80. Also, when any new security device comes onto the market, the type of organised crime gang who steal vehicles will buy and dismantle them to discover a way to overcome the security features.

There are a number of ways to disable a LR with hidden switches, The battery, starting motor, fuel pumps and even the fuel line itself. These hidden switches are unique to each vehicle and would take a would-be thief too long to determine why the engine will not start.

So, here are my suggestions for security:
1) Highly visible security device (Disklok) to deter the opportunist thief.
2) Hidden switches to immobilise the engine and thwart the more determined criminal.
3) Tracker (I haven't got one) but they can be expensive.
4) Possibly the most important is a GOOD insurance policy, one that will not only replace the vehicle but all those expensive add-ons as well.
X-eng pedal lock https://foundry4x4.co.uk/index.php?route=product/product&manufacturer_id=14&product_id=141&page=2

X-eng column lock https://foundry4x4.co.uk/index.php?route=product/product&manufacturer_id=14&product_id=74

Disklok steering wheel lock https://www.disklokuk.co.uk/

Automatrics M-Trac tracker, it's a subscription service but worth every penny in getting it back should they manage to hiab it away. https://www.trackersecurity.co.uk/

What he said.. ^^^
Thank you all very much! Such a warm welcome and sage words.

Looks like:
Bolt and padlock my gates
Pedal box lock
Fuel pump isolator switch
Another car parked in front overnight
Tracker (although sadly, that feels like defeatism)
.22 air rifle loaded by the side of my bed...

This car is the one I have searched for and is now being fettled to Stage 1 of my plan. There are other stages in my plan to follow!

No, not a chequer plated, roof tented, lifted, off-grid urban warrior truck (Although, maybe my next one!).

This one will ultimately be a Santorini Black, slightly modded, shiny mid-life crisis!

Once again, thank you all very much!
Thank you all very much! Such a warm welcome and sage words.

Looks like:
Bolt and padlock my gates
Pedal box lock
Fuel pump isolator switch
Another car parked in front overnight
Tracker (although sadly, that feels like defeatism)
.22 air rifle loaded by the side of my bed...

This car is the one I have searched for and is now being fettled to Stage 1 of my plan. There are other stages in my plan to follow!

No, not a chequer plated, roof tented, lifted, off-grid urban warrior truck (Although, maybe my next one!).

This one will ultimately be a Santorini Black, slightly modded, shiny mid-life crisis!

Once again, thank you all very much!
Most important enjoy it do not let the fear of losing it spoil the pleasure of owning it,good luck
Good one. Won't stop them but will be expensive to replace all the windows (10 in a 90 CSW, 11 if it has a sunroof!).

I've had Landys on and off most of my adult life and security was never really an issue or a thought. I got my current 90 (no7 & a keeper) a couple of years ago after a ten year gap, and I have never in the past been so paranoid about it getting nicked. I can't remember but I don't think they were being stolen with such regularity ten or so years ago, I guess it's because they are no longer made and there is a large market (temporary fad, image trend?), both home and abroad.
Well without the crystal ball and a wild guess here I would do a little local search of police records of stolen Land Rovers. Because as your nearer to continental Europe than I in leafy Manchester my guess would be a greater chance for Light Finger Petre obtain your new Landy. Depending on Insurance recommendations Thatchams is standard. Most would prefer a pitbull with anger issues that starved for fresh kill.

I have these...…….:D
thor & lenny.jpg
Thank you all very much! Such a warm welcome and sage words.

Looks like:
Bolt and padlock my gates
Pedal box lock
Fuel pump isolator switch
Another car parked in front overnight
Tracker (although sadly, that feels like defeatism)
.22 air rifle loaded by the side of my bed...

This car is the one I have searched for and is now being fettled to Stage 1 of my plan. There are other stages in my plan to follow!

No, not a chequer plated, roof tented, lifted, off-grid urban warrior truck (Although, maybe my next one!).

This one will ultimately be a Santorini Black, slightly modded, shiny mid-life crisis!

Once again, thank you all very much!

LOLZ mid life crisis :D

Can't be, ain't no Toyota MR2 or Peugeot 307 convertible lol
Yup very well ;) id look else where before coming anywhere near lol
The white one is called Thor & is a really friendly loving family pet :D
The bully is a nightmare he's like a shark on a lead but loves kids.
couple of these and no problem.........

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