
New Member
hello trying to get started at landrovers im looking for a 90 hardtop would i be wise to buy one to restore or buy one ready to go
this is a very vague question. do you want to spend ages restoring it or do you wanna use it straight away? or you can just get an old one, and restore it sometime in the future thats what i would do
Hi and Welcome:welcome2:

This forum can be two things to newbies who ask quite general questions like yours, people can be super rude and ridicule and flame you or they can be helpful in the utmost. I will try to be the latter!!!

I think there are too many variables to give a useful answer, for example, your budget, your experience of mechanics, your uses for the Landy etc.

I reckon to get a "half decent one" that you can maintain and learn with is the best option. A full resto is a lovely idea but most peopole fail before they ever reach the road!!

EDIT: See th two posts that arrived while I typed mine for the two types of response you can expect here!! (Which is more helpful!! :) )
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:welcome2: Get one good to go, as you will spend so much time upgrading and changing it anyways, may as well enjoy it from the start.

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