
New Member
Hi, i'm 17 and passed my test just a few weeks ago. I've had my eye on a land rover 90 bout £1500, just wondering if a landy is the right choice for a first car :D
I'd say it was an excellent choice for a fost car. Don't expect owt startling though an at that price it probably won't be as reliable as other cars.
go for it my landy was my 1st motor, that was over a year ago now. wooo hoo. take note of the about. i reversed flat out into a metal bollard and smashed my rear door. cost? 99p! ebay! ive also wacked hundreds of trees and ripped all my paint off. but who cares, its not an audi!

Safest first car cos if you hit anything you'll come off best.

T'aint. Hit something at low speed & you'll come off best. Hit even a medium sized modern people carrier or large modern car at high speed & it'll use your ladder chassis as a crumple zone & kill you.

That said, good choice fer a furst car. You won't have an overwhelming desire to fit an length of drainpipe in place of the zorst, you'll stand out frum the Mum's Corsa & fiesta ****s & git more fanny than yer can able to tek them up the nearest greenlane (ooer!) & have a hooooge load bay (!) ter do sumat about it. :D
i reversed flat out into a metal bollard and smashed my rear door. cost? 99p! ebay!

that is just one of the many reasons i want one, and yer i agree it will help me stand out from the regular assortment of hatchbacks and the like.
Thanks for all your help
''T'aint. Hit something at low speed & you'll come off best. Hit even a medium sized modern people carrier or large modern car at high speed & it'll use your ladder chassis as a crumple zone & kill you.''

What speed are you thinking of , and what will it do to the other vehicle :confused:
Haven't watched that fer ages & just did again after I posted the link. Sobering stuff innit? So all you smug feckers getting all precious about Solihull safety, go buy a people carrier and shut the feck up. :D
or a new disco 3...theyre 100 % pure beef!

Still got a ladder chassis innit, that's the whole fkn point. It doesn't matter how fkn big and heavy it is, a ladder chassis will lose out every fkn time to a modern car and modern design in a head on at medium to high speed.

That big car bravado bollox'll have you laughing all the way to your wheelchair.

Oh, besides, Disco 3? Who the feck wants to drive around in a motor that looks like and has all the charm of a fkn ice cream van?
personal opinion mate, disco 3 is top stuff if u ask me. it looks a lot nicer and more modern than the orginal disco shape.

anyway i dont know for a fact but i would imagine the disco 3 has many of the impact points and crumple zones that your renault with its 5* euro ncap safety rating has got. ;)
The only LR that gets any mention of a ncap safety rating is the Gaylander 2 mainly because it's of modern monocoque construction, buuuuuuuuuut personal choice.........I'd rather fkn walk! ;)
Hmm, judging by the 'marginal' areas, you won't be walking away or breathing very well through all those broken ribs.

My main point is that all the macho, big car, bravado bollox makes people who buy big cars drive like a bunch of cun.........oh, we're not in 'anything goes'. Anyways, it's called risk compensation. The safer you feel, the more risks you take.

Conversly, If you feel vulnerable you drive more defensively. Sooooooo, to my mind, the more aware you are of your potential vulnerability should you involve yourself in a crash, the less likely you are to put yourself into a situation where that is likely to happen.
1. disco 3 is the bastard child of a rangerover and a transit van
2. you hit a people carrier an a tratta and see who comes off best (i have seen the results in the real world and the tratta won hands down)
3. the stephen hawkin look is in this year

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