
New Member
Hello ! Tried to "introduce myself" and didn't find an appropriate hole to type into; hopefully THIS is the appropriate place !
I'm 73, a retired humanitarian aid worker cum missionary in India for 20-odd years and now living in Finland with my Finnish memsahib.
I've lived with Land Rovers ever since I can remember and found a "collectable gem" about 5 years ago.
Apparently the last Freelander off the Solihull production line on 31.12.2004 ... It had only 134,000 km (!) on the clock and is still a bit short of 150k.
As a fan of older British motor cars ( see my email address ) I wanted to restore her ( her name is "Bumble, The Silver Limpet " because of her amazing roadholding on ice & snow in Finnish winters ) to original condition.

I have been obliged to add stainless steel "running boards" because of getting in & ouyt and because they protect the paint on the front of the rear wheel arches.

I have a problem and need the help of fellow enthusiasts. As I can no longer either kneel on the ground ( bug*ered knees ) nor bend over an engine ( upgebollo*ked back ) ... I need to learn what I have to tell my willing helpers to do.

Problem One ... The Airbag light comes on OCCASIONALLY and promptly goes off again ( sometimes remains on for as much as half an hour ) This is an MoT failure ... So need to know how to tackle it.

Problem two ; drastic in a country where the temperatures can drop as low as MINUS 40 degrees ... THe rear window has descended ... and only rises when I press the toggle switch.
WHen I do that it goes up to max & sounds a 4 "beep" alarm ...ANd promptly goes bvack down again ! I cvan't stop it by switching off the ignition ( obviously !) and so the ruddy thing is permanently open.

I have disconnected the batery 6 pulled the key and waited 15 minutes and rebooted the system ... NO CHANGE ...

I really want to preserve "Bumble the Silver Limpet" for future generations as ( as far as I can ascertain ) she was the last Freelander off the production line before it was dismantled and shipped overseas and the Freelandert One lost its reputation as a groundbreaker in automotive history.

Driving her on water-covered icy roads is a real revelation ! Once one wheel soses grip for a fraction of a second; 4 wheel drive takes over and Bob's your uncle. LOVE IT ( I've never even needed Crawler Gear; though I have tried it in the local sand quarry to see how it works )

I see that ther have been few responses in the past few years ; does this mean that the site is discontinued ? If it is ( and if you are a fellow enthusiast who wants to save such a potentially historically valuable vehicle ) ... PLEASE LET ME KNOW ! God bless ! DrMike
Welcome to the lunatic asylum for dysfunctional drunkards.
Feel free to say hello with the same questions on the Freelander Section. We will be happy to display a nude version of Freelander replies.

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