
New Member
I hope someone can help.

I am in the dificult position of having to chose between 2 landy's to replace my old one.
The old one had abs. One of the new ones does and one doesn't. There is a price difference of 2,000e, which will be payable by me as the insurance wont go that high for a new car.

So my question is.

how important is ABS with a defender when you live in the mountains, do lots of off roading and lots of driving in snow, both fresh light snow and very very heavy snow.

All help very greatfully received, i dont have long to make a desision!

Hi Snow Angel
In my experience ABS and snow is a bad thing.

With snow and ABS when you brake the wheel keeps on turning and rolls over the snow.
Without ABS when you brake it tends to dig in to the snow and builds a little pile up in front of the wheel.

The choice is yours and this is just a opinion.

thanks for your opinion.

in the end it all came down to money. They wouldn't lower the one with the ABS and 2000e is quite a lot of money.

so we are getting the one with no abs b ut many other things

happy days i'm going to have my landy back in 2 weeks!!! hoooorah! and thank god this has taken 3 months to sort out!

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