
New Member
Hi All,
I have this 1987 LR 110 V8 (3.5ltr) Petrol, quietly sitting in my shed, which after many years I am about to start to restore!!!!!
Two jobs need attention to start with but am not sure what are the faults so which way to go is the question. Repair or replace the affending parts etc.
The problems:
1. Gearbox whines quite loud whilst motoring.
2. Judders and clunks in reverse.

Plenty more to sort but these will do to start.

Any help suggestions much appreciated.

Thanks for that.
By box, do you refer to gearbox, transfer box or both?
The 'A' frame is comming off anyway as I'm fitting a new Self levelling unit, if I can get the damn bushes/pins out! or one of 'em at least!
Clutch, may be! seems ok but might be worth it if I'm taking everything else to bits.
Carb's need some recon is there plenty of kit available, reckon air is leaking in as idle running is irratic.

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