Bill Scarab

I've been having a bit of a clearout and found a pile of Land Rover
World magazines I no longer need. I have issues 1-50 52-81 93&94. If
anyone wants to collect them they're welcome to them. I've no idea
what's happend to issue 51 but it that turns up you're welcome to it as
well. I live in the West Midlands if anyone is interested. I need the
space so will need to chuck them soon if no one wants them.



I would have jumped at the chance, but since you are missing issue
51 I just don't see the point in having them! :)

Before anyone flames me - I'm joking! I think my wife would have a
fit if I turned up with all those mags. If I leave last months
issue on the table I get told off!


Bill Scarab wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been having a bit of a clearout and found a pile of Land Rover
> World magazines I no longer need. I have issues 1-50 52-81 93&94. If
> anyone wants to collect them they're welcome to them. I've no idea
> what's happend to issue 51 but it that turns up you're welcome to it as
> well. I live in the West Midlands if anyone is interested. I need the
> space so will need to chuck them soon if no one wants them.


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