
D3 Grandad
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here you go, this is the letter that Kent police has released - Articles

Letter To Land Rover Owners

Crime prevention advice for drivers - part of Operation Castle...

All Areas

Dear Sir/Madam, Kent Police continues to work with the community and local businesses to reduce vehicle crime and we are writing to you as an owner of a Land Rover vehicle in order to increase your awareness concerning security and offer the following vehicle crime prevention advice to reduce the risk that your vehicle should be targeted:
  • Garage your Land Rover whenever possible or park on your own drive or in a well lit area.
  • Consider fitting a garage alarm and ensure the garage has appropriate locks / padlocks.
  • Consider installing security bollards, to be raised and secured in front or behind your vehicle.
  • The fitting of a simple hasp and staple lock secured with a small padlock and riveted to the bonnet and grill area of older Land Rovers, could be considered in order to protect the engine.
  • Steering locks, gear locks and pedal locks are inexpensive and easy to fit and may deter a thief.
  • The Land Rover Owner magazine, other 4x4 publications and the internet are also a good source for researching Land Rover specific security products.
  • Consider installing a tracker and/or alarm. After sales alarm systems are available at many car parts stores.
  • If your vehicle s not used on the public highway, ensure it is appropriately SORN registered at the DVLA. Vehicles that are stored or kept off the public highway can still be a target for thieves.
  • If your vehicle is not being used, consider removing the battery to immobilise it further, if appropriate.
  • Wheel clamps can be considered for additional security and these are also available for large wheel sizes
  • If your vehicle has a towing hook, consider using a towing lock hitch cover
  • Fit locking wheel nuts where possible
  • Keep your keys in a safe place at all times and not on view from windows or doors
  • Have your registration number or Vehicle ID number etched onto the glass surfaces. There are a variety of companies and products on the open market who supply vehicle marking kits.
  • Remove Sat Navs and support cradles and wipe away suction pad marks from the windscreen.
  • Music systems are also targeted by thieves so remove the front cover, if possible when leaving the vehicle if your system has this facility. Record any serial and/or immobiliser codes and store these safely away from the vehicle.
  • Don’t leave valuables or tools in your vehicle as even a coat on the back seat is a target for a thief
  • Consider security marking all your property, especially the items you frequently take in the vehicle. A UV pen or forensic marking can be used.
  • Lock all doors and windows and remove keys every time you leave your vehicle, however briefly
  • For older Land Rovers with sliding windows, use round wooden dowel rods laid in the window tracks of the sliding windows. This helps to prevent the windows being slid open from the outside
  • Lockable fuel caps are available.
  • Hidden fuel cut off switches can also be considered. These cut off taps should be fitted by a competent mechanic. They allow you to turn off the fuel supply and will limit the amount of fuel available to the engine should a thief manage to start the Land Rover.
  • Anti-tamper number plate screws are also available on the market and should be considered.
Kent Police
If you have any further queries regarding vehicle security, please don't hesitate to contact your local Neighbourhood Team via 101 or download our leaflet: Your guide to vehicle security
More information about Operation Castle
Ooppp didn't realise

Oh well at least people now know and may save someones pride and joy

Petal LoL, well I've been called worst things , but never a women

Just made me laugh and nice to see someone with a sense of humour


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