
Well-Known Member
I told you we had a problem with Land Rover thefts in South Yorkshire, check out this report from the local paper.

LAND ROVER owners are being warned that a noticeable number of car thefts seem to be targeted at 4x4 vehicles. In the latter part of 2012, Look Local received a number of letters from readers who said they had Land Rovers stolen or had friends who had suffered from attempted thefts. One such reader is Sharon Broadbent, whose son had his Land Rover Defender 90 stolen on November 29. The thieves that struck at Sharon's home, on Morehall Lane, went to a lot of trouble to steal the vehicle and came back twice more after they initially stole the vehicle. Sharon says that the Land Rover was kept behind a heavy gate with locked chains securing it. But the determined criminals lifted the gate off the hinges and managed to escape with the Defender. They also attempted to steal Sharon's Land Rover Defender but Sharon's son heard the commotion outside and chased them away. On their second visit to the property two days later, the thieves broke into the garage where Sharon's car was parked and again tried to steal it. However, one of the wheels had been removed and they were unable to take it. Then, unbelievably, they struck for a third time. Sharon came home to find that her house pets were out in the garden and when she entered her house she found that it had been broken into. She presumes whoever broke in was looking for keys or the wheel to the vehicle. Sharon told Look Local: 'My son's Land Rover had been back on the road for only ten days when they stole it. He spent so much money on it, only for someone to come and just take it away.'I can't believe that they tried to take two vehicles in one go and then come back again and again. I heard that someone in S6 had a Land Rover taken recently too and know that a few other people in this area have had their vehicles stolen. Nobody on our road knew it had happened, it is quiet on here. I just want people to know that it's happening and that they should make their Land Rovers as safe as possible. Also, people buying spare parts should be vigilant of buying stolen parts, because I think that's what they'll do, strip them down and sell the parts.'I still have my Defender but now I'm scared to drive it anywhere and I have had to put lots of new security measures in place to make it secure. PC Jon Barker of Deepcar Police Station, told Look Local: There is a noticeable increase in 4x4s being targeted in the area and all across Sheffield as a whole. We've had around three reports in this area in the last month, that's half of all vehicles attacked. We would like to prevent these crimes, so if anyone has any information that would help us get these people off the streets, we'd love to hear from you. Any good intelligence that we can follow up is welcome. Land Rover parts are interchangeable and they are easy to assemble and disassemble. Parts are at a premium. If you see a large number of parts for sale that aren't from a reputable dealer, then contact us so that we can check it out. We don't want people buying stolen parts and getting pulled for it later. The Land Rover that was stolen from Moorhouse Lane was a blue and white Defender 90 with a truck cab and Ifor Williams back. It had alloy wheels and the registration is K566 FKS. If you have any information, contact South Yorkshire Police on 0114 220202020.
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I know the Landy in S6 it was a V8 csw, they took it from outside his house and rammed it into a concrete bollard up Crookes writing it off, feckers want their hands chopping off!:mad:
Thefts are worrying me so much, I've given some serious time into thinking about whether to get rid of mine all together :(
Thefts are worrying me so much, I've given some serious time into thinking about whether to get rid of mine all together :(

I know where yer coming from. I've had the same thoughts in the past.:(
Afternoon all, can't believe my first post here is going to both on a negative note and spamming!

But needs must; I found this thread google while searching for info, I run a site (called They Stole My Wheels) which has a facebook feed Here. Thru this feed I was notified of a Landy stolen this morning, details:
"White long wheel base Landrover Defender 90 stolen Sowerby Bridge Triangle area (Nr Leeds) today - Registration K597FWR - This vehicle belongs to a 74 year old lady and its her only means of transport" - I gather this is an increasing problem, are many of you round these parts?

Apologies for the random spamming, it was intended well and waiting on a pic, Steve.
I think this is the sort of spam that is deemed acceptable. Any one who is helping to stamp out the low life scum who are nicking our motors is allowed a little spam now and again.
Afternoon all, can't believe my first post here is going to both on a negative note and spamming!

But needs must; I found this thread google while searching for info, I run a site (called They Stole My Wheels) which has a facebook feed Here. Thru this feed I was notified of a Landy stolen this morning, details:
"White long wheel base Landrover Defender 90 stolen Sowerby Bridge Triangle area (Nr Leeds) today - Registration K597FWR - This vehicle belongs to a 74 year old lady and its her only means of transport" - I gather this is an increasing problem, are many of you round these parts?

Apologies for the random spamming, it was intended well and waiting on a pic, Steve.

I can't believe you haven't introduced yourself in the aptly named "introduce yourself" section

but that aside, it's a worthy cause and hope the old lady gets her defender back;)
Afternoon all, can't believe my first post here is going to both on a negative note and spamming!

But needs must; I found this thread google while searching for info, I run a site (called They Stole My Wheels) which has a facebook feed Here. Thru this feed I was notified of a Landy stolen this morning, details:
"White long wheel base Landrover Defender 90 stolen Sowerby Bridge Triangle area (Nr Leeds) today - Registration K597FWR - This vehicle belongs to a 74 year old lady and its her only means of transport" - I gather this is an increasing problem, are many of you round these parts?

Apologies for the random spamming, it was intended well and waiting on a pic, Steve.

You might get away with Spam like that;););););)

How is Triangle anywhere near Leeds though:confused::confused::confused: Just saying:p
I know where it is, I've been camping there loads of times:D:D:D:D:D:D
Tis hardly near Leeds though:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p

hardly, but maybe he was just pointing in the general direction ;)

i'dve said it was close to Huddersfield or Halifax but how many peeps know where they are ?
There must be a punchline to that comment :confused: Or are we letting a little irony creep into our posts? a little dry Yorkshire humor perhaps?


judging by his reply, i dunt think he saw the rolleyes :D

or being a self important Lanc, ignored it ;)
Had an attempted theft of one of ours (s2 88 ) from near to Wakefield mid last year ...fortunately they failed ...
Week or so later we were pulled by the old bill south bound (just before Wakefield slip on M1) by the old bill (My S3 had only been MOT'd friday before the Sunday and Computer records hadn't caught up) the Mrs was towing caravan with the S2 ...after checking details and apologising for stopping us AND me telling him what had happened,The officer reckoned it was an organised group from Barnsley way that were active .

Question is ...
As they obviously "Know" who is behind it,WHY don't they catch the ####'s and lock them up before one of us has to take things into our own hands and do time for dealing with the fekking vermin ????

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