Bloke from Dorset
In light of the apparent increase in Land Rover related thefts of late and how many of us love to show our passion for these iconic vehicles on social media, it might be wise to check that your social media ‘privacy settings’ are still what you originally set them to.

Many of us are unaware that Facebook updates can and have altered your privacy settings without notifying you that this is the case.

Please make sure that none of your personal details, such as your home address or the town/village you live in are shown publicly to all and sundry, make sure that they are set to ‘friends’, or ‘friends of friends’ as a bare minimum.

When you are out and about and wish to post using your smartphone, make sure that your ‘location’ is deactivated.

Also delete any pictures you may have posted that contain any detail of security devices you have fitted to your vehicle, that’s just giving them a heads up of what to expect when they come to steal it, even a picture of your vehicle parked outside your house is enough for them to eventually work out where you live by using Google Streetview.

Like us, the criminal element are now equally as capable of using the internet to search, keep your personal details safe, don’t give them the opportunity.
In a similar vein, I recently got birthday greetings over Facebook, and had to tell the kind sender that, no, I was not born on 1/1/1900.

As banks love to use this info as security question, no way do I put it on such a public platform!
The other thing is that photo taken using a smartphone contain the lat/long of where it was taken. Just remember that I you share. Don't know if Facebook remove that from the jpeg.
I've never ever included my phone number, email, home address or where I work on facebook no matter how many times it ####ing asks me. Specifically for things like this.

Geotagging can be turned off on your phone, also does not work if GPS/location/data is disabled.

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