
Last night whilst cutting some carpet for my Landy, I pulled the Stanley knife across the end of my finger and sliced off a nice clean chunk of skin. I rushed in the house, dressed it with odd sized plasters and returned to the carpet. My piece of finger was next to the knife. Nice.

Got me thinking about that scene in Jaws where they all share injuries.

So share your Landy related injuries... With pictures if you've got em!!
while knocking disc off hub with large lump hammer hit my thumb ,didnt look too bad till i turned it over ,split it like a grape,but on the positive side 4 weeks later as good as new and is actually a better shape than it was ,as tore end of while i was an apprentice so had flat shape nice and rounded now
While changing the waterpump on my 110 v8 in pouring rain and gail force winds, the wind flipped up my bonnet, the stay dropped and I ended up with the bonnet catch spike embedded in my skull.

It didn't actuall hurt that much and due to the rain I didn't notice the blood that was streaming down my head and face until I sat in the landy to have a fag.:eek::eek::eek::eek:
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While changing the waterpump on my 110 v8 in pouring rain and gail force winds, the wind flipped up my bonnet, the stay dropped and I ended up with the bonnet catch spike embedded in my skull.

It didn't actuall hurt that much and due to the rain I didn't notice the blood that was streaming down my head and face until I sat in the landy to have a fag.:eek::eek::eek::eek:

:eek::eek: ... Shouldn't smoke its bad for ya:D
one early morning start, half asleep ,managed to slam my own head in the door by closing the bugger before I was completely in:doh: also fitted heavy duty clutch and had to visit dr after a week due to streached ligaments in my knee from too much town driving,a condition i now refer to as squaddies knee.
Learned the hard way why it says wear gloves on the machine mart rust remover.
Didn't affect my rough hands, but got it in a cut on my finger and it has dissolved a hole in my finger. Looks exactly like the corrosive warning sign on the bottle... doh...
Set fire to myself when welding a patch on the a chassis.. Still got a bloody bald patch on my leg :mad:

Oh and a scar on the back of my wrist where a blob of molten steel landed and burned into me when welding upside down :mad: Had to pull it out with an engineers magnet! Not trying that again!- Bloody hurt!
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Set fire to myself when welding a patch on the a chassis.. Still got a bloody bald patch on my leg :mad:

Oh and a scar on the back of my wrist where a blob of molten steel landed and burned into me when welding upside down :mad: Had to pull it out with an engineers magnet! Not trying that again!- Bloody hurt!
Did you have on your protective welding gear?:hysterically_laughi Safety first or you could get burnt! :D:D
not landrover... but i stood up under a tractor mudgaurd loads of blood from the top of me head.... had to get the digi camera out the disco to take a pic of the top of me head to see what the damage was.... only just cut the scalp , but alot of blood for a little cut.
snapped me thumb on mke works defedender wing pushing frozen clay into a pot. A bit tenuous....
Whilst cutting with one of them skinny discs, the blades caught and lurched forwards damaging the disc slightly, bugger I thought that's my last one, so I carried on cutting and and a fair sized triangle of cutting disc flew off and went right in my eye:eek::eek:
But it could have bee so much worse. I now always were goggles when cutting grinding ect and I strongly advise other's who don't, to DO!
I was lucky I didn't lose my sight. Very stupid indeed, oh and you guessed it there was no guard:rolleyes: own stupid fault, I know.
1. dropped a twisted wire grinder brush on me thumb while it was spinning - no blood, at first anyway.
2. my disco hates me, everytime i go under the bonnet ( no sarky comments please) it hits me on the head with the bonnet catch
3. does waxoyl down the earhole count?
i was working on the 90 one day doing the brakes and had my foot ran over, i was lucky i had my safety boots on and they took most of the impact

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