New Member
Right so my cars being serviced as i speak but iv had a phone call saying i need two new discs 4 new pads an a few other things. (im going down there tonight to have a chat)

They have quoted me 50+VAT for each disc and some more for the pads do you think its worth paying for proper landrover parts or will i get away with a cheaper brand??
I'd either buy land rover parts, or better. Not Britpart. For pads and discs, what about AP? Or find out who makes the OEM ones, and buy from them directly (ferodo etc)
Right so my cars being serviced as i speak but iv had a phone call saying i need two new discs 4 new pads an a few other things. (im going down there tonight to have a chat)

They have quoted me 50+VAT for each disc and some more for the pads do you think its worth paying for proper landrover parts or will i get away with a cheaper brand??
i would fit ebc discs and pads i run these in both my rangies . standard brake pad dust sticks to the wheels like s##t to a blanket and is so difficult to get of , used to take a couple of hours to clean my wheels without damaging the laquer
however after fitting ebc s.u.v extreme 6000 series brake pads the brake dust just washes of with soapy water in ten min the time saving is tremendous and no wheel acid cleaner
from memory a full set of pads are about £100 but so worth it
google brakes4u or click on link below where i got mine. plus they work better and last just as long

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I bought a set of discs and pads from Paddock for £50, as you can imagine they were not Genuine Parts or even OEM, but they've done 24k miles with no disc wear and pads have plenty of life still in them.
Why do people assume that Land Rover had hundreds of factories manufacturing "Genuine" Windscreens, nuts & bolts, light bulbs, ecu's, batteries, tyres, oil filters, gaskets, bearings etc.
Original brake pads were probably Ferodo, Mintex etc., as were the discs.

The brake discs were supplied not grooved & drilled and the pads later made of non asbestos material, not eco friendly super dooper material such as Kevlar etc. The braking system was designed and specified to stop 2 tons of motor in the shortest distance efficiently. Apply the brakes hard and the ABS kicks in when the wheels start to skid,which is what it does with standard pads, with super dooper improved pads the wheels start to skid and the ABS kicks in...therefore the ABS controls the braking efficiency generally more than the pads or the disc pattern. Everyone seems to want to get away from original equipment and customise and redesign the make up of their cars.

Why do people assume that Land Rover had hundreds of factories manufacturing "Genuine" Windscreens, nuts & bolts, light bulbs, ecu's, batteries, tyres, oil filters, gaskets, bearings etc.
Original brake pads were probably Ferodo, Mintex etc., as were the discs.

The brake discs were supplied not grooved & drilled and the pads later made of non asbestos material, not eco friendly super dooper material such as Kevlar etc. The braking system was designed and specified to stop 2 tons of motor in the shortest distance efficiently. Apply the brakes hard and the ABS kicks in when the wheels start to skid,which is what it does with standard pads, with super dooper improved pads the wheels start to skid and the ABS kicks in...therefore the ABS controls the braking efficiency generally more than the pads or the disc pattern. Everyone seems to want to get away from original equipment and customise and redesign the make up of their cars.


Thats a fair point, never looked at it that way.

so how do i disconnect my ABS sensor?????? :doh:
Why do people assume that Land Rover had hundreds of factories manufacturing "Genuine" Windscreens, nuts & bolts, light bulbs, ecu's, batteries, tyres, oil filters, gaskets, bearings etc.
Original brake pads were probably Ferodo, Mintex etc., as were the discs.

The brake discs were supplied not grooved & drilled and the pads later made of non asbestos material, not eco friendly super dooper material such as Kevlar etc. The braking system was designed and specified to stop 2 tons of motor in the shortest distance efficiently. Apply the brakes hard and the ABS kicks in when the wheels start to skid,which is what it does with standard pads, with super dooper improved pads the wheels start to skid and the ABS kicks in...therefore the ABS controls the braking efficiency generally more than the pads or the disc pattern. Everyone seems to want to get away from original equipment and customise and redesign the make up of their cars.


That's upset a few "I've improved my vehicle beyond its standard performance" peeps........:):):)

Nice one Irish...:D:D:D

Provided you buy well know brands theres no problem, I'd lay money down, that the likes of AP, Ferodo, Mintex and many others all have some of their parts made in the far east by other companies.

Its quality control and specification that the key to a good brand name not where its made, its a pity that TOYOTA didn't pay more attention, anyone want to buy a OEM throttle pedal, braking system and engine system control software.....:behindsofa:
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Why do people assume that Land Rover had hundreds of factories manufacturing "Genuine" Windscreens, nuts & bolts, light bulbs, ecu's, batteries, tyres, oil filters, gaskets, bearings etc.
Original brake pads were probably Ferodo, Mintex etc., as were the discs.

The brake discs were supplied not grooved & drilled and the pads later made of non asbestos material, not eco friendly super dooper material such as Kevlar etc. The braking system was designed and specified to stop 2 tons of motor in the shortest distance efficiently. Apply the brakes hard and the ABS kicks in when the wheels start to skid,which is what it does with standard pads, with super dooper improved pads the wheels start to skid and the ABS kicks in...therefore the ABS controls the braking efficiency generally more than the pads or the disc pattern. Everyone seems to want to get away from original equipment and customise and redesign the make up of their cars.


Just goes to show, most of these so called improvements are in the mind of the user:doh: The MR2 crowd are always going on about brake upgrades but even with their super 6 pot calipers and oversize discs I bet they could not beat my time round Mallory with my standard discs and pads.
People believe what they want to believe, like the MPG on the P38 message centre:rolleyes:
At last.....Someone agrees with me....I have a supporter !!!!!
Fine J.....doin a bit, drinkin a bit, smokin a bit..and spendin a large bit on keeping the wheels turning..cost me £105 yesterday to fill up and two packets of fags:eek:
Off to Hull tomorrow.
Er Indoors is back from NY on Sunday morning, the silence has been golden this week. Got Ma's birthday on Easter tuesday, kicks off around 2.30 and heard last night that there is a funeral arranged down in Torquay at 10.30 the same day.
Has anyone got a private helicopter ???...Will it cost less in petrol than using the P38??
now now j you know you know you cant be happy all your life. just save some of your cash, for when oh great one gets home, you just know she going to need it.. hahaha
I'm hoping she's lost her voice and has blisters on her feet so she can't go shopping.....I wish, I wish, I wish.

Just goes to show, most of these so called improvements are in the mind of the user:doh: The MR2 crowd are always going on about brake upgrades but even with their super 6 pot calipers and oversize discs I bet they could not beat my time round Mallory with my standard discs and pads.
People believe what they want to believe, like the MPG on the P38 message centre:rolleyes:

I totally agree Data. Have been pushing this for a long time. I see no point in buying a vehicle for £3000.00 then spending £5000.00 on overpriced over rated parts, just because they give you this or give you that(according to the sales bumph). When you could have spent £8000.00 on a better vehicle. The Kevin and his supped up Corsa syndrom seems to be alive and well though. Think the British motorists spend something like £900,000,000.00 a year on mostly useless addon bits. One bloke spending £100.00 on a set of pads must be off his head in my book, but as long as he is happy so what it's not my money he is wasting.
The only things I've spent extra on are stainless exhausts on cars I intend to keep ( the stainless exhaust on my MR2 cost £20 more than OEM and has lasted 20 years so far) and the low dust EBC pads which save time cleaning the wheels, me being a lazy SOB, and they are not that much more expensive. Oh and I went for Arnott Gen 2's on the P38 cos they were on offer at nearly the same price as OEM.
The only things I've spent extra on are stainless exhausts on cars I intend to keep ( the stainless exhaust on my MR2 cost £20 more than OEM and has lasted 20 years so far) and the low dust EBC pads which save time cleaning the wheels, me being a lazy SOB, and they are not that much more expensive. Oh and I went for Arnott Gen 2's on the P38 cos they were on offer at nearly the same price as OEM.

Mintex linings cost £18.49 front and £14.99 rear. Both including vat. That is retail, less 15% trade. That is £33.48 or less all up. You can buy a lot of wheel cleaner for £66.52.

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