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I know this is probly In wrong place but as the title says my 90 got broke into last night in Marple and The theiving c*** stole £400 worth of tools I just loaded my car at night ready for the day ahead and some tosser has stole my 18v cordless Milwaukee impact driver and 1/4 cordless driver set and my 4" jcb grinder amongst other things but these are the most important I'm a roofer/joiner so it's put my work on hold till I can replace or the police pull there finger out, I'm extremely p***** off just can't have anything these days people really are scum
Bastids!! Know the feeling, trying to do an honest days work and these scum pinch your tools and sell them for coppers. I love my tools, I've worked for them! I need them to work for me..... Hope plod can help?
Bastids!! Know the feeling, trying to do an honest days work and these scum pinch your tools and sell them for coppers. I love my tools, I've worked for them! I need them to work for me..... Hope plod can help?

Yea ****es me right off I'm 23 and bee. Trying to setup on my own this year, been working from my Landy till I can afford a van and now I'm set back by £400 and plod haven't even turned up
Yea ****es me right off I'm 23 and bee. Trying to setup on my own this year, been working from my Landy till I can afford a van and now I'm set back by £400 and plod haven't even turned up

don't hold your breath... they probably won't at all. Friend had his van stolen and the police didn't even turn up to take a description of it. It had no fuel in so must have stopped at a fuel station within a 10 mile radius, they weren't even interested in ringing round and checking the CCTV cameras.
There really is scum out there!!
Your working for an honest living and there thieving for a living and the plod do nothing about it!!

I bet if you were doing 5mph over the limit they would put more effort in to give you a ticket. Really winds me up!!!
don't hold your breath... they probably won't at all. Friend had his van stolen and the police didn't even turn up to take a description of it. It had no fuel in so must have stopped at a fuel station within a 10 mile radius, they weren't even interested in ringing round and checking the CCTV cameras.

I've given up and just accepted I'm gonna have to buy again today is the 3rd day and still no police, rang me this morning too say my case has changed priority I gave them a mouthful
stopping for speeding is financial worth the prosecution. £400 worth of tools it'll cost more in court fees etc plus they should be covered under insurance so they aint bothered.
dont leave your tools in the landy overnight , its just stupid.

sorry mate finding it hard to muster sympathy, this is really the dumbest thing you can do.
The funny thing is when I had my sliding window opened and a 20p parking ticket stolen, resulting in a £65 fine, the council had the SOCO's round finger printing the car!
We live in Marple too.
I know it's a pain but I always empty my van at night, takes me 10 minutes in the morning to get all my tools etc in, but I've been out to the van in the morning and seen smudges on the glass where some tw*t has looked in the back sometime overnight, to see if there's anything inside.
Also I've been lay in bed in the early hours and heard cars trundling past my house, then coming back the other way a minute later, there's usually the distinctive sound of a big bore exhaust so it's clearly not a taxi.
Get an alarm with a dual zone proximity sensor on it.

I have one on my car after I was informed that it was on the 'hit list', you get within a foot of it and the alarm beeps 3 times as a warning, ignore it for 3 rounds of beeps and it goes off without you even trying to break in as you obviously have intent to do something!!

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