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Going to be doing the Land Rover Experience up in Dunkeld on one of their Trek days in May 2015.

When I was booking it was mentioned that "off road" insurance is the responsibility of the vehicle owner.

Just wondering if anyone has done the Land Rover Experience Trek before and whether they would recommend having specific "off road" insurance for the event?

I am currently insured with Hastings Direct (Defender is a mirror'd NCB policy as its not my main vehicle) and I am don't think they cover me for green lane insurance (not checked the fine print yet). So any advice on "seperate" policies would be appreciated :)


Ps Did do a search on here but could not find the specific info ;)
I am insured with Together, I have off road on my policy, I also had it on a policy with Pete Best.
It may be worth ringing your current insurer and see if it can be added.

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