
New Member
Hi fellow Landy owners,

My name's Andrew Draper and I've owned a selection of Landys, but my first and my favourite is my late Series 2a 109" Safari. I'm coming to the UK in April for three months to visit family and have a bit of an OE. Sadly I can't fit my truck in the suitcase, so I have an idea that could be the next best thing if it works out. If anybody over there with a Landy is interested in coming to NZ in the near future, I am willing to do a vehicle swap for our respective trips.

As I usually have other forms of transport, the swap does not necessarily have to be synchronised, although that would have its advantages. So if you want to come to NZ, say, next summer, that would be fine with me. However, I would require you to have an understanding of the unique challenges Series vehicles present, and the heart and soul that gets poured into maintaining one before I handed over my keys. If you have owned a Series Landy you will know what I mean, so ideally the swap will be for another Series, although a Disco/Rangie/Defender would be fine if you have previously owned a Series.

Just a little bit about my truck, it has an Isuzu 4BE1 3.6l diesel that I fitted myself (sharp learning curve!), Nissan Safari transmission, Toyota power steering, an ARB diff locker on the rear Salisbury, and new 33" mud tyres. I use it mainly as a work vehicle for the gardening business I operate when I'm not studying at uni, but it also sees a fair bit of mud and a lot of long trips including a South Island expedition. For that purpose I have fitted a expedition roof rack and a folding roof tent that sleeps two people very comfortably. Here's a few photos if anyone's interested

If I don't get any bites here I'll probably just buy a cheap Discovery for my travels, but apart from the hassle of buying and selling the swap option is very attractive for the opportunity to make connections and have a vehicle that is already equipped with the sorts of tools that a Land Rover deserves on a long journey.

If you don't want to offer a swap but have some ideas that might help me, a bit of travel advice such as backcountry places that are a must-see, or local club trips I could tag along on, please let me know - the furthest North I've been before is New Caledonia so every little bit of knowledge helps!
i spent 6 months in nz , and its well worth a visit. lovely scenery, great people and some 'sweet as' offroading. :)
where abouts in the uk you heading for, and which months?

My flight booking, which isn't set in stone yet, arrives in London on 15 April and leaves Dublin on 10 July. Rough plan is to catch up with family in Birmingham and Leicester briefly before working my way north towards the eventual goal of travelling through the Scottish highlands, returning in time to meet my parents who are coming over mid-June. Will probably book a tour or rent a camper for a quick trip around Ireland at the end.
I, for one, think you have an original and brilliant idea. If, for any reason, you find that you have to buy a vehicle for your stay and sell it after you leave then Iwould be willing to help you do this. I am situated 30 miles north of London.

I truly hope youh find someone for a transport exchange. If we were in the right position (with vehicles and finance) I would jump tat the chance.

Good luck
That sounds like a fantastic idea but how would you trust me and vv? I would love to but is it really possible? :eek::D

Trust is a two way thing...and always a bit of a risk that may or may not pay off! But in general Landy owners seem to follow an unspoken moral code, stopping to help broken down cars and Series/Defender owners giving that knowing wave as we pass each other on the road (apart from the occasional city poser who's just bought a new $80k Defender for the school run). Also if you're familiar with Land Rovers you're more likely to pay attention to that little green Oil Pressure light on the dashboard and less likely to keep driving if it comes on, along with similar behaviours hazardous to a Landy's health. So the risk is there, but I'd like to think it is somewhat diminished with fellow Landy owners.
I, for one, think you have an original and brilliant idea. If, for any reason, you find that you have to buy a vehicle for your stay and sell it after you leave then Iwould be willing to help you do this. I am situated 30 miles north of London.

I truly hope youh find someone for a transport exchange. If we were in the right position (with vehicles and finance) I would jump tat the chance.

Good luck

Thanks for your offer....I may well take you up on it if nothing else crops up. From my casual research on eBay, it looks like I'm more likely to find a cheap vehicle up round the Midlands, would that be a fair assessment?

On another note, I joined LandyZone a few years ago to ask some technical questions, but I am aware there are a few other forums as well as regional Land Rover clubs. Is it worth my while trying to spread the word further, or is LandyZone fairly well frequented by most fans over there? Coming from a place where the local club has around 100 members and there is no NZ forum, it's a little hard to judge.
I would love to and it does sound like a good idea, even though risky. Unfortunately I am going to need my landy especially from April :(

Best of luck, this site has the nickname loonyzone for a reason :D A lot of people don't seem to get the humour and **** taking and prefer more 'conservative' and boring forums so there are others out there. This is the biggest though as far as I know :p

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