
Lord Hippo
Land Rover have had a number of brand new engines stolen. Reports are somewhat suggestive in what actually happened, using words like suggested, believed, understood etc with the usual unidentified sources of information. It's understandable LR don't want their security details advertised.

It looks like someone drove a truck into one of LR's sites and towed away a trailer, then returned to take another. Both containing brand new engines. Solihull was named as the site. The theft happened this week. To get through security they would need paperwork which it looks like they had.

There's rewards on offer from LR for information to help catch them.

Thought it were worth a mention in ere as someone may come across peeps shifting new engines.

Typical arm chair critic opinions on the web. The lack of info is probably down to keeping their own security details out of the public domain and they're looking into the video footage they have. I don't think the theory of it being an insurance scam is true based on the engines being said to be worth a total of £3m and LR's yearly profit being signicantly above that. It's kind of not worth it. But I could be wrong.
You can forget any ideas about an insurance scam. JLR has it's own insurance company so they will not be making a claim. There's a good chance that the engines will be recovered, as who would want to buy an up to the minute current engine. Any newish car that has an engine beyond repair will be covered by the manufacturers warranty. And nobody is going to buy a stolen Range Rover or Discovery engine to fit it in an older Range Rover, Disco or Defender; you just need too many dedicated ancillaries.
Different matter if it was a load of 300 TDi or TD5 engines ! Out of date engines are not needed at Solihull plant now that Defender has finished.
The people that have the money to buy a current Range Rover would not be interested in having a spare engine. It's a big lump to hide and has a serial number, and anyway next year their tastes may change so that they want a Volvo 4x4, or Porche Cayenne or something else to try and impress the neighbours.
Latest information now in the local paper states that the engines have been recovered, some found in Bermuda Industrial Park Nuneaton and some at premises in Kingsbury Road, Minworth. Four people arrested in dawn raids.
Who knows what else the Police will find at those locations, maybe some of our stolen Defenders. Well done the Police.
All vehicle manufacturers have to make spare parts available for ten years after production ceases. So maybe someone thought they might be taking a batch of older engines destined for Caterpillar which is a giant warehouse where all Land Rover dealers order their spare parts from. Including complete engines, gearboxes, axles etc.

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