Greenlane liker, bobble hat hater
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Im after a set of ladder clamp things that builder people have. :D you know the ones that hook round the roof rack and then a bar spins down on top of the ladder and you can padlock it?

If anyone has any, id like them. :)

PM me.
Wouldnt help anyway.......the pot would just fall off at the 1st corner :confused:

Me and my sister where having a dirty burger the otherday(McDonalds) and some guy came screaming out the drive through with a 4 cup holder still on his roof. I wonder how long it took to come off! :)

Was very funny at the time.
Still looking for some? I just bought two sets for one of my vans. Paid about £14 each delivered. PM me if you want the details of where I got them from.
14 quid for a cup of tea???? I would want a tea picker and a cow for that kind of money

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