
New Member
Just picked up my new 110 XS Station Wagon - and the driving position seems very strange. I've owned 2 90's and the 110 seems to be very cramped towards the door. There seems to be a fair gap between the seat pad and the cubby box so it looks as if I might be able to budge the seats across and get more room.

Has anyone else tried this?
I have the same problem in my 110 county and was considering the same move towards cubby box! I would say it should be pretty simple the bolts will be hardest to move it probably means a 2 person job 1inside and another 1 under landy holding nuts if they are not captive that is.
I was also considering whether to replace door cards and put checker plate in its place cos mine are getting tatty and they are quite thick which could gain more room.

we will have to let each other know who gets it done first :)

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