The Mad Hat Man

Well-Known Member
LZIR Despatch Agent
Coz I am a Lazy bastid and coz i is old and the Lumbago and Arfer-itis plays up, I is looking for someone who thinks he (or she, but the Boss mite object) is all macho n strong n dig my garden and remove (by force preferably) about 25 feet of hedge and re-lay some patio slabs and, and.......

anyone wanna earn a penny or two or wants to barter for landy help??

No-one I asked so far seems to be interested.:eek:
That mite be because I is a tight git - or just coz I am a miserable bastid. Come and tell me to my face:rolleyes:
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Yer a miserable tight git!

A decent labourer is bloody hard to find.......just look at what I've ended up with :p
Pay peanuts you get monkies...I would help as I can forsee me needing help with the landy in the future. I am also a lazy feck though. How about 10 minutes work?
I'm sure we can organise an LZ garden rescue team to descend on your place for a weekend.
How many tents can you fit in your garden?

Just depends on when we're all free to do it.
I'm sure we can organise an LZ garden rescue team to descend on your place for a weekend.
How many tents can you fit in your garden?

Just depends on when we're all free to do it.

Yep, if daft provides burgers n beer I'm up for LZ community service

(although il av to project manage as me ayfever is playin up) :rolleyes::D

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