Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote!


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Hi all,
I’m buying a 2019 L494 and have been shopping around for insurance. I knew it would be expensive but didn’t expect £3k.
41 years old 15yrs ncd living in n/w Kent da5.
If anyone on has any recommendations it would be appreciated.
Would a ghost immobiliser help with costs?
Try A-plan - no affiliation etc - but they seem to know what they are doing... If/when I have a claim, I'll find out whether they are really any good..
I just went on moneysupermarket and got a quote for a 2019 3.0 and it was 550 quid, the top 20 results were under a grand.
Suggest moving from Kent :p
Hi all,
I’m buying a 2019 L494 and have been shopping around for insurance. I knew it would be expensive but didn’t expect £3k.
41 years old 15yrs ncd living in n/w Kent da5.
If anyone on has any recommendations it would be appreciated.
Would a ghost immobiliser help with costs?
Think you might be lucky that you dont live in London, think the latest is that the majority of insurance companies will not insure a Range Rover at all in London as so many are being stolen from there every day... they are the most common cars to be stolen now in the UK.
I use A plan for a couple of my cars and when Mrs H's Discovery was due for renewal I called them up and the first thing they asked was if it was under 5 years old, if it is then their underwriter simply won't cover it. LRs are REALLY bad news currently on insurance. Mine is with More Than and they wrote to me saying they won't cover it as of September when it expires, I did some quotes and it's gone from £300 to over £600 and I'm in Maidstone which is only 30 mins from the OP.
I just went on moneysupermarket and got a quote for a 2019 3.0 and it was 550 quid, the top 20 results were under a grand.
Suggest moving from Kent :p
We can't afford to live in Cornwall mate (although I'd be very happy to).
As above

Theft of these vehicles is at such epidemic levels that if l was an insurance company l just wouldn't touch the vehicle.

My friends was stolen off the drive last month.

He tracked it on the app hurtling up and down the motorway several times between Leeds and Birmingham. Presumably on false plates

lt seems the thieves just turn up with a couple of pieces of hardware and drive away in the vehicle.

My friend never got his back, he replaced it with a Volvo.
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Try A-plan - no affiliation etc - but they seem to know what they are doing... If/when I have a claim, I'll find out whether they are really any good..

also with A plan but see they’ve now changed there name to howdens , got an email from them, also heard that about if there newer than 5 x years old they won’t cover them any more , think it’s because so many keyless landies are so easily nicked

been with them 6 x years now and been happy with them

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Plus 1 , Indeed as mentioned with regards to range rovers in London,

ref auto car , for some reason can’t post the link

Owners of Range Rovers living in London are finding their vehicles are becoming uninsurable owing to a combination of sky-high premiums and a reduction in the number of firms willing to insure them.

According to the DVLA, in 2022 Range Rovers were the second most stolen cars in the UK, with over 5200 taken. A lot of them were stolen in London with the result that many insurers, hit by mounting claims, have either stopped insuring the cars or sharply increased premiums.

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