
Hello all

2005 TD6, I've changed the breather filter and blanked off the EGR but I still get quite a lot of grey and black smoke if I leave the engine idling for a few minutes, it smells really diesely as well. I'm thinking it has to be an injector issue but I'd expect it to run a bit funny. It's really smooth, no lumpiness. Someone told me they all stink of diesel out the back anyway.

Any insight?
It certainly should not smell of unburnt diesel, nor should it smoke. Diagnostics may be the way forward, it could be a problem with the MAF or an injector.
A leak off test on all six injectors while in the engine and running will show any imbalance between injectors. If any imbalance consider doing all the injectors at the same time as another will shortly follow. 👍

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