
Needed a replacement key for new L322.

Didn't fancy the £300 from the main dealer. So...

1. Bought blank case and got blade cut to match
2. Got donor electronics from a key at scrapyard

Have programmed the remote locking fine and the key will unlock the doors. It also fits the ignition.

If I take a functioning key out and place my new one in quick enough (before the ignition locks) it will turn and start the vehicle.

Tried to take it to my Range Rover dealer and they refused to attempt to program the key to the ignition. They claimed my donor electronics from the scrapyard are not programmable to the ignition of my car - Is this true and have I been wasting my time? Is there an ignition boffin that can help me?


Not sure about the l322 but it wouldn't work like that for a p38 so I guess it won't for yours, key from dealer may be only option
Found on another web site FYI:

Key is cut to fit the lock, cant open car and turn key in ignition if key doesn't match lock barrel. This is easy to get cut and made locally for a fair price.

Key has a transmitter board which runs off a battery and has lock/unlock buttons to use remote central locking/keyless entry. This system uses rolling codes, and the car's computer sync's to the rolling code set used by the remote's microchip, which is meant to be unique to all others by way of a 128bit hex number identifying it. This is easy to get the car to learn the remotes code sequence locally for a fair price/free as per instructions.

Key has a transponder chip, made up of a coil, an ic and a small capacitor. The transponder can send and receive data, and has a 128bit identification number which is sent to the car's computer, which then requests another rolling code from the transponder ic's memory before it will allow the car to be started. Once the engine is stopped, the car's computer writes another 128bit code to the transponder's ic, which is a unique generated code. The car's computer is hard coded to recognise ten set transponder id's, and can't learn or delete the id's it knows. The cars computer keeps the rolling codes for all the active transponder id's. Landrover has a master database by vin of the codes to create each 10 transponder id's for each car. This is not possible to change, and expensive to get a transponder coded to your car from the dealer.

Using equipment from various companies you could clone a transponder IC, but this is not a viable option given the car's computer is looking also for a random code it gave the transponder last time it was used.

To make one, you need to get a memory dump from an IC in the "immobilsation ECU" using a special reader for that model IC. This can be purchased easily of the internet. Then you need a blank transponder which again can be purchased from the net. Last but not least you need a device like the hitag2 mentioned above to write to the transponder. Using software you should be able to write a code for any of the 10 keys the immobilsation ECU will talk to, and the first time it see's a new transponder ID its meant to just accept it and start dishing out rolling codes. i don't feel like ripping apart ECU's and extracting IC's. I don't feel like spending in excess of $1200 to do a one off. I don't feel like taking the risk on some dodgy looking Chinese software. I'm sure there's a nice way of doing it I just haven't found it.
Hi Matt NEW Key & alarm Fob from British Parts UK £51.62. re-programmed by Guy Salmon at around £45.00 bought key & fob recently but yet to have it programmed. This is for a W reg freelander.
The Freelander key ID programming is different to the P38 and L322. The Freelander key will (should) be supplied with a long code, this is entered by the dealer into the ECU. I couldn't even do this with my Blackbox Faultmate MSV, the module doesn't have the capability and Testbook was needed. Anyway, this is complicating the issue Matt14 has, so ignore the Freelander stuff, it's not relavent to you at all. AFAIK the immobaliser part of the L322 key is not programmable to the car, I'm even very suprised you managed to get the remote CL working, but then I only know about the P38 in depth.
I woud expect the fob electronics to be VIN specific and therefore limited for use on that vehicle only. I doubt the dealer can reprogram the fob as they come programmed from the factory.They can only sync a new fob programmed to your VIN number to your vehicle.
Hope I am not hijacking the thread but in respect of the P38 syncing I have got conflicting answers to my own problem so I am hoping some of the knowledgeable posters above might be able to help. I have a friend who has a 1997 P38 and needs a new key remote. We are in Malaysia and the stealers here charge the equivalent of £400 for a new one so we want to buy it from a UK source. If I get it from a dealer in the UK, will it work straight away in the car just by putting it in the ignition or do I need to visit the local dealer to hook it up to their testbook or whatever? One dealer in the UK I spoke to said that on older P38's, it will just work. I called Land Rover Customer Service and a lady with a very posh voice said it needed synching by a dealer (but she didn't sound very convinced by her own advice). Any ideas?
Hope I am not hijacking the thread but in respect of the P38 syncing I have got conflicting answers to my own problem so I am hoping some of the knowledgeable posters above might be able to help. I have a friend who has a 1997 P38 and needs a new key remote. We are in Malaysia and the stealers here charge the equivalent of £400 for a new one so we want to buy it from a UK source. If I get it from a dealer in the UK, will it work straight away in the car just by putting it in the ignition or do I need to visit the local dealer to hook it up to their testbook or whatever? One dealer in the UK I spoke to said that on older P38's, it will just work. I called Land Rover Customer Service and a lady with a very posh voice said it needed synching by a dealer (but she didn't sound very convinced by her own advice). Any ideas?
I recently called a local dealer, as my remote is playing up, and they said they can only order a new key, if I go there in person with the Log Book (registration document), my photo Driving License and pay for the key in advance.

Not sure about the pairing process, he didn't mention that, but the price was £129.?? + VAT at 20% so it was about £156....
hi all , i have posted on this before .. 3 months ago i needed new key , went to main dealer in manchester took i.d. and logbook ..paid £128.00 in total waited 6 days they phoned me that key had arrived went there shown reciept and copy of order ,the parts man handed me key i asked about synchronising he said dont need to as from middle of last year the new system the keys are made up to has changed and NO SYNC NEEDED; took key to car unlocked using fob got in started and drove away ,,no problems since ,!!!!!!!!!!!! i doubt very much that you will have any success any other way as i have stripped fobs down and researched this quite extensivley, so that if it could be done then i would be a rich man by now by making and selling p38 and l322 keys and fob to all the gullible people around ,, take note that there is only one way to go about it ,,,BUY A NEW ONE FROM MAIN STEALER ... KIND REGARDS TO EVERYONE:):):)
hi all , i have posted on this before .. 3 months ago i needed new key , went to main dealer in manchester took i.d. and logbook ..paid £128.00 in total waited 6 days they phoned me that key had arrived went there shown reciept and copy of order ,the parts man handed me key i asked about synchronising he said dont need to as from middle of last year the new system the keys are made up to has changed and NO SYNC NEEDED; took key to car unlocked using fob got in started and drove away ,,no problems since ,!!!!!!!!!!!! i doubt very much that you will have any success any other way as i have stripped fobs down and researched this quite extensivley, so that if it could be done then i would be a rich man by now by making and selling p38 and l322 keys and fob to all the gullible people around ,, take note that there is only one way to go about it ,,,BUY A NEW ONE FROM MAIN STEALER ... KIND REGARDS TO EVERYONE:):):)

How did you get into the key??

I want to get into mine as the unlock button is playing silly buggers and I would like to get in and have a nosey about but it is sealed all round...!! any tips??

How did you get into the key??

I want to get into mine as the unlock button is playing silly buggers and I would like to get in and have a nosey about but it is sealed all round...!! any tips??

I haven't tried it on a P38 FOB but a sharp thin bladed knife placed on the seam and a sharp tap with a hammer opens most of them. Super glue or araldite for re-assembly:)
hi sainty . very deftly !!!!! i used a fine hacksaw in a vice and went round each side cos its heat sealed from new ,BUT when it came apart i had sawn thru one of the components inside as its the only quite large one (blue square ) that is half in one side and half in the other ??????? if that makes sense ,,,BUT fortunateley i had cut apart a fob that someone donated to me so i could use it as a trial ,, so when i cut mine i only cut so far then prised it apart to keep everything intact but you can't repair the pressel buttons cos there soldered underneath with another part on top ,so basically that was a waste of time but ive got plenty of that ?????? so that i had the same problem as you i.e. the pressels were sticking then i wish you good luck in attemting it .. but it gave me some insight as to what the components were , and ive checcked out that you cant buy or identify them induvidually ,,hence my last post ,, hope this helps kind regards mozz :):)
Cheers guys,

If it is a fruitless task due to the low possibility of repairing it and the high probability of busting it...I'll leave well alone and save up the pennies for a new one from a stealer....
Regarding the topic of docking remotes so that they become useful for remotely locing/unlocking doors there is a procedure for doing this without dealer support. But coding in a new key to be recognized by the ignition switch is a different matter.
Most definitely! Might be stupid about mis-posting, but not about buying a Freelander with a realistic chance of troublefree motoring!! (he says, fingers firmly crossed!!)

haha ! good !

was just checking you didnt fall into the HGF trap like alot of others do !

TD4 or XDI then ? ;)

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