
New Member
Hi guys

Bought a 2004 l322 4.4 v8 bit of a toy for me

Had a few issues near enough sorted them prior to MOT final one being done on Sunday replacing the front brake lines prior to the flexi then should be good for MOT

Based in South Wales in Mountain Ash.

Father has been in the landy world for some time too.

Look forward to all help offered when needed as we all know a landy likes to throw a wobbler every now and then

Hello and welcome:)
Best to remove your postcode from location anywhere close is ok
Last edited:
Hello and welcome:)
Best to remover your postcode from location anywhere close is ok
See good advice already changed and now a generalised location.

RR hopefully in for MOT next week. For hopefully some fun out on the roads and Greenlanes with the kids
Welcome to the forum

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