
New Member
I've got a Diesel L322, first thing in the morning, I pull off the drive in reverse. No problems. When I put it in drive, if I went to pull away for the first few seconds it'd just rev and move much. If I sit and wait a couple of secs there is a little clunk which feels like drive is properly engaged, when thats happended its fine. Any ideas please ? surely not normal?

Something to do with thickness of oil in the gearbox maybe ? Works fine when engine warm.

Sounds like the trans oil is in need of a change, these are supposed to be lifetime fill and is not required to be changed but there have been cases of the oil burning and eventually killing the gearbox. You'll need to check the condition of the oil, if it's a sort of green colour, its ok, if its black and smelly, it's burnt.
I have excactly the same symptoms - in Norway. I changed the so called lifetime oil, but the problem is still there. The colder - the worse. Your thread is a few months old. Have you found a solution?

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