
New Member
what kind of power should i expect when towing an average Caravan.

I ask becasue on motorways i struggle to get up to 60MPH and on the slightest hill the speed drops repidily.

Am i expecting too much or do i have a power problem.


Don't know as I don't have the L-series, but if everything is ok then buy a tuning box for the L-series from roverron for a useful 20 odd plus extra horsepower.
I've got a L series and I use it for towing a 22ft caravan. I don't go above 60 MPH as it ain't that stable at higher speeds. I've got a TUNIT module although I don't honestly know how much it improves the thing as it was fitted when I bought the car and I've never tried removing it.

In general I find the car has plenty of power for the job, providing you remember that pulling a caravan is like driving a lorry. Forget high acceleration and high speed. No point is thrashing it as there is only one gauge that moves quickly and thats the one with the fuel can on it. In addition when planning a stop I always throttle back a couple of miles before so to let the engine cool a bit. When I first started towing with the FL1, I pulled into a services, parked up and switched off (ran the turbo down as normal). Then noticed the hot oil smell. When I left half an hour later I was chomping up the slip road when the engine totally lost power for a couple of seconds. Cacked meself I can tell you as I was merging with the traffic at the time. Fortunately it recovered and all was well. I believe I had lost fuel pressure. I know with petrol cars that it is possible the vapour the fuel in the fuel line and this loses the pump priming, hence killing the engine. Don't know if this is possible with a diesel but it certainly felt like it.

I suspect the TD4 is faster but not by a great amount. Also the L series is proving itself to be a tough little lump that should serve you well. the TD4 doesn't seem to fair so well in that respect..
Further to my previous response. Having looked at your question I would say that your L series is performing normally. Its nominal output is 97bhp, compared to the TD4 110bhp. However the Roveron box should deliver you 120bhp.
Plenty of torque but slightly down on power to bring you up to speed.

there is a local guy 'Mad' on who has tuned his L-series to 150bhp, serious modding :eek: ;)

A roverron power loom is the easist option, 120bhp brings you into the power range of the early k-series
I tow with a L series (caravan approx. 900kg). I have to watch the temp gauge on long hills, and tow comfortably at 80 to100 km/h in 4th gear. I can push it to 120 km/h if I want to overtake (on level road), but then slow down again to 80 to 100. I was advised by Landy specialist not to tow in 5th gear as this puts too much strain on the engine. If I see temp gauge starting to rise I gear down to 3rd and reduce speed to 60 to 70 km/h. But this is only in the case of a LONG fairly steep hill (and summer outdoor temperatures).
I suspect the TD4 is faster but not by a great amount. Also the L series is proving itself to be a tough little lump that should serve you well. the TD4 doesn't seem to fair so well in that respect..

The Td4 engine itself is fairly bulletproof, it's just some of the ancillaries that aren't quite so brilliant.

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