
New Member
Has anyone ever put a 80 inch body on to a cut down dico chassis.
i intend to, just affter ideas from people who have done it.
sounds like a recipe for disaster to me ..........

you either want the boiled down to its essence 80" leafsprungness of a series 1 ,

or the comfort and boingyness of a "dico"

not some half chips half rice,neither arthur nor martha ,and thats without even going into the sva side of things :eek:
Yes it has been done and Yes they are very good for trialling.
There are many reasons for doing it apart from fun. They make perfect trial motas they can be ARC legal 80 inch can be raced (although 100/108 inch are easier to controll) and if done nicley very respectable in the trials world. Jai

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