
New Member
hello all.
i have a knocking noise coming from the front passager side when going slow,(when in slow moving traffic) when braking (just touching the peddal). it has been in a garage front wheels of and checked for any movement from the brake discs etc also he checked the chassy for cracks the noise must have some think to do with braking as only happens when i brake............... help driving me mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:confused:
Does the knocking happen if you go on and off the throttle in quick sucession? This would help identify if it is the brakes or just something knocking through movement.

I had a similar thing on the driver's side of my FL and turned out to be the door check strap was loose. Simple and cheap to fix.


the knocking noise only happens when you brake and some time happens louder when you totaly stop. it sounds like a metal noise.....:mad:

thanks anyway

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