
New Member
hi all! just bought a 90 200 tdi with about 90 k on the clock. there is a clunking noise coming from the rear when you pull away and change gear eratically. however, if you change gear slowly and smoothly with out puttin the power down too quickly there is no noise! any ideas what this could be? i think it may come from the transmission but not sure! also, when i hit about 40 theres a knocking sound coming from the rear that gets faster as i drive faster. any idea what this could be also? and roughly how much will it be to repair? any info wud be much appreciated as i am a bit of a novice! thanks!
Hi there, sounds like it is rear axle related, could be backlash or even propshaft cv joint, best not to drive until you get it checked oot.

thanks, i took it to a local landy specialist and they said it was probably the A bar or something or backlash! gettin it sorted in a couple of weeks tho so shud be sweet!
might be the clutch plate needs tightening (as the springs are on the plate itself) or CV joints.

Try this ->
1. park facing downward on a hill.
2. pull hand brake, release all gears and footbrake
3. move the differential to low (clutch in)
4. move the differential to high
5. move the differential to diff lock in high
6. roll the vehicle slightly forward till the 'diff lock' light engages
7. release the diff lock

this usually forces up the 'slack' between the back and front axle on a vehicle that might have problems on the CV joints.

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