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I know some people love their cars but !!!

A NAKED man was caught having sex with a 4x4 in a busy town centre.

Drunk Daniel Cooper — who is known by the nickname “Hotc*ck” — stripped off and began grinding himself against the blue Land Rover Discovery.
A court heard that minutes earlier shocked revellers had seen him simulate sex with the counter of a kebab shop.
He also lay on the floor of the takeaway with his trousers round his ankles before turning his attention to the off-road vehicle parked outside.
The married father-of-three, 24, later told cops he was so drunk he could not remember what happened — until he was shown the CCTV pictures of his car-nal act outside the takeaway.
Cooper — described as “a caring family man” — stripped off during a drunken night out with friends in Holywell, north Wales, on August 18.
John Wylde, prosecuting, told Flintshire magistrates: “First of all he was seen to be urinating.
“He was then seen to go down the High Street with his trousers around his ankles and his T-shirt pulled up over his head.
“Cooper was waving at cars and then took off his shirt completely.
“He was seen to enter a kebab shop where he was simulating the sex act against the corner of the counter.
“At one stage he lay on the ground and simulated the sex act.
“Then he did the same to a Land Rover Discovery vehicle which was parked nearby.”

Victim ... Cooper simulated sex with a Land Rover Discovery (it's identity has been obscured to protect the innocent ):5bhurray:

Jobless Cooper later told officers he was not used to drinking and had gone out with only £13 in his pocket.
He admitted indecent exposure and was given a three-month community order which bans him from going outdoors between 7pm and 7am on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights for the next three months.
He was also ordered to pay £85 costs.
Gary Harvey, defending, said: “My client is mortified and totally ashamed. He cannot recall what occurred.
“He is a responsible family man who looks after the children while his wife went out to work.”
Since being arrested Cooper has changed his name to “Daniel Hotc*ck Cooper” on his Facebook page.
His sex act with the counter of the kebab shop was filmed by some of Cooper’s friends but was later deleted.
One of his pals said: “Daniel will never live this down — everyone is saying he was tired and exhausted afterwards.
“He is not a pretty sight when naked. We all felt sorry for the Land Rover and hope it wasn’t offended.”
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A NAKED man was caught having sex with a 4x4 in a busy town centre.

Drunk Daniel Cooper — who is known by the nickname “Hotc*ck” — stripped off and began grinding himself against the blue Land Rover Discovery.

“Then he did the same to a Land Rover Discovery vehicle which was parked nearby.” [/QUOTE]

Yeah...caught a guy in the car park of a hotel with his wang wedged into a car's filler pipe once. He had a good rhythm going until he finally realised I'd clocked him. He immediately vanished around the corner of the hotel trying to drag his trousers back up as he went. I reported the incident to the hotel receptionist who asked 'what car was it'. I said 'the one currently enjoying a cigarette!'
She wasn't amused.
good job he did not find the exhaust I wonder what he would have done with that. mind you that's how us Irish blow up cars .blowing up the exhaust

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