
New Member
Greetings all,
Would just like to say Hi and introduce myself.
I’ve been “lurking” for a week or so and have already learnt so much from the Discovery Forum (reading through the posts and having my own query answered) that I’d shout them all a round of beers if I didn’t live 12,000 odd miles away (well, that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it!)

My love affair with Land Rovers started 20 years ago when I traded in my horse and brought a 1973 series 3. It was an awesome machine that put the F in FUN. I have no idea what James Riddle was on about in “disgruntled owner” post below …where’s his sense of adventure? It rattled and juddered so much so that who’d be able to hear a CD, it was tricky enough hearing the horns of following motorists demanding you let them pass. I too had problems around the Milton Keynes area but that was due to Saturday night best clothes not being compatible with the holes in the floor, they played hell with stiletto heels and I won’t even go into the problems of wearing a skirt during mid winter!
After the first few months I stopped counting the number of times it went wrong, something fell off or was making a teeth clenching metal grinding noise. I was working in Kenilworth at the time and if I couldn’t get someone to help me fix the problem I’d take it (limping badly) to a little 4x4 garage on the outskirts of Coventry …funny how after all these years I can’t for the life of me remember any names but if you plonked me back in the area I’d be able to drive straight there.

Enough reminiscing about the “Good old days!”

Now living in New Zealand and the owner of a 96 V8 Disco that drinks fuel like it’s going out of fashion and has had more go wrong with it than the series 3. At present she has some major (very expensive) engine problems. My husband isn’t as enthusiastic as I am about keeping it, he says quote “it’s a pile of crap” and “I’d be better off if two years ago I’d just torched $15,000” …I’m sure it’s all a front though as I caught him the other day with his hand inside her door up to the arm pit trying to fix one of the electric windows and a big smile on his face (his problem is that he loves money more than Land Rovers)
Anyway, I think I’m winning the should she stay or should she go now argument …just! And intend to spend the next few months (okay lets be realistic …rest of my life!) ironing out her rough spots.

Looking forward to getting to know everyone :)
HI Putting the F in fun just seems to cost more these days. Hope you stay healthy to keep on enjoying it . Great to have you on board. B-B
Cheers for the welcome :)

I have to agree that there isn't much F in Fun at the moment ...and do you know the worst of it is that not only did I have to go and buy a boring "lower to the ground" car to get from A to B, I brought a boring lower to the ground Jap car :( "sigh" :(

btw, how do I get a little picture above my user name?

click on usercp. then click edit avatar. then upload your photo.
beware the max size of the photo is 120x120 pixels and 30kb.

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