
New Member
ive got a 54 plate freelander and need a new spare key, are they chipped in anyway i.e do i need to go to dealer to get one or can i just get 1 cut at the local key cutting place?
If the key is a fat topped one then any locksmith can cut one that will open the door BUT you will need the dealer to special order one to work with the immobiliser - I believe they are £100 plus - yes unfortunately they are chipped and severely restricted in supply. :mad:
Not done it myself - try giving a dealer the details etc. and asking for a price to check it out. Expect the worst.
stealer price for key is £106+ vat
I tried loads of key places but they told me the Freelander is one if the only ones their machine struggles to read!
I found one place though-The Heel bar in Fakenham, Norfolk, his new machine managed to read my key ok (2003 Freelander) so I'm going back next week when the blank arrives...paying £60

keep trying key cutters/show repair places and you might get lucky,

if not the take your V5 and VIN number to steamers so they can order you a replacement direct from Germany :9)
Either go to the stealers or a VERY good independant.....otherwise you're gonna waste ya money.....

This is only after my experience with my Alfa, but I assume it's the same with most....

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