Bromsgrove Defender

Well-Known Member
Please note this is for battery replacement only i.e. the buttons don't work but the car will start.

If your fob will not start the car it needs more than a new battery.

Also a dead fob will need at least 15 minutes recharge time.

I don't know how you can know if your good at taking stuff apart but hopefully you'll be able to assess how good the outcome will be of your own attempts seeing what was involved.

This is the battery you need :rolleyes: PANASONIC - VL2330-1HFE - BATTERY, RECH LITHIUM 2330


I'd bought this one before opening the fob :doh: So get the right one It'll be easier ;) Still the same number though so beware


Ok first up a list of tools I used
Left to right Screwdriver small flat blade, long nosed pliers, solder sucker, solder, soldering iron, side cutters, spare pair of hands hobby vice, super glue


Press the black tag and remove the key


With the buttons facing you insert long nosed pliers into to key recess


Now insert the screwdriver into the key recess too and lever apart


Just when it gets to the point where you think this is gonna break. It will pop apart........ hopefully :eek:

Yup not only is that plastic thing holding the battery. it is also soldered to the PCB


Now comes the tricky bit :(

NB With extreme caution
bend the Circuit board and DONOT leave the soldering iron on any longer than absolutely necessary to remove the solder. Use the side cutters to shorten the tabs on the back of the circuit board. Makes desoldering much quicker/easier ;)



and here


Once the solder has been removed insert small flat bladed screwdriver here and lever the battery up out of the casing again be very careful not to bend the circuit board.


I had to bend the thin tab back like this. But if you've bought the right battery you'll be fine :rolleyes:


I removed the battery holder to make sure the tabs were long enough to locate into the PCB but with the right battery you wont need to


Then resolder the tabs



Put the fob back together WITHOUT glue so you can see how much you need to bend the back so that it meets the front ;)

When your happy that it'll go back together and look ok use just a couple of blobs of glue, don't go round the whole fob in a continuous bead you might want to get back into it one day ;)

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Ooh. This is just what I was looking for. Need 2 working key fobs before I sadly sell and get a newer car - not a Landy ☹️☹️☹️. I'm pretty handy, I have a soldering iron but I've never used it . Bought for the moment it was needed and I have an ifixit kit for taking apart phones and things so I should be good to go once I have the battery. Watch this space and wish me luck!

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