Jay reKx

Active Member
drove down town, did my shizzle and came back to unlock the disco and pulled half a key out of my pocket. So caught a ride home. the end.

I have two other keys somewhere in this big wide world, but no idea where they are, and they could be anywhere in any one of three different houses and a workshop, providing they're not lost to oblivion that is. so what next?

never did find the other half of the key.

200tdi, so no immobiliser or owt, and I'm not saying which town in case someone fancies a free engine :rolleyes:
found the other half of the key in the corner of my pocket, so I've just run round the corner to a friend who has a key cutting machine in his shop and he's going to try and cut a new one from the two halves in the morning

spare keys are like spare spectacles. I absolutely rely on my glasses. blind as a bat; cant see six inches without them, but if I broke or lost my glasses right now, I wouldn't have a clue where my 1 spare pair are.

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