
New Member
My key to open the doors only works on the driver and rear door. Therefore I want to change the barrels on the driver and passenger door but the leave the rear door. How easy is it to change the barrels on the front two doors? Is it simply buy a £6.50 2 key and barrel set and swap them over or do I need to buy the whole locking mechanism?

My key to open the doors only works on the driver and rear door. Therefore I want to change the barrels on the driver and passenger door but the leave the rear door. How easy is it to change the barrels on the front two doors? Is it simply buy a £6.50 2 key and barrel set and swap them over or do I need to buy the whole locking mechanism?


you can just buy the key & barrel set if the rest of the locking mechanism is in good condition.
You'll need a large-ish drill to put an extra hole in the door frame behind the door card in order to undo the screw that holds the door handle on at the button/lock end of the handle.
and a well magnetised screwdriver - unless you've got very long, very thin fingers.
Am i right in thinking that you need to take the window system out of the door to replace the lock for lift up handles? I kinda had a half hearted attempt a while back, but now it is warmer I actually intend to change them also.
Cheers fellas, would it be easier for me to change the entire door locking mechanism? They are not too expensive and if its less hassle I dont mind - they are not in superb condition anyway.

Thanks again
Depends what the rest of your doors are like when you take the cards off. I've got a complete set of 3 barrels, but the doors are that goosed and everything that seized up I've decided to fit a set of new doors and fit the new locks to those. Grunt says they're repairable as they're in a similar condition to what his were, but I'd rather have doors that are solid with no rusted seized up bits.

Doors are in great condition. Locking mechanism is fine really - just want to change the locks however if its easier to change the entire locking mechanism than just the barrells then I would rather do that.

Usually you need the old key to change them also - if you say your key doesn't open the passenger door, then i don't think you will be able to change the lock barrel easily.
The pins in the locks are not a particularly hard material, and with the right tool they can be sheared off...
drill em out :D be carefull though. i would also be tempted to buy 3 or maybe 4 barrels. that way, when you damage one or some skank damaged one, you can replace it with the same as the other door and retain the same key!

just a thought.

barrels are easy, leave the mech where it is.


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