
New Member
Does anybody know how the hell to remove a key barrel from a disco! Damned keys have stopped turning so now I'm stranded.

Any help greatfully received:(
Oh pants the key barrel has a hole round the collar of the steering lock its about 3 mm in size trouble is you need to turn key to position 1 so you can remove barrel by inserting a 3mm drill it pushes on a small lug and you then pull on key and it comes out,if keys are jammed rigid may have to knock the shear bolts out of the steering lock assembley at the back end suggest using a sharp small punch or chisel bit fidly hope this helps,when the steering lock is off you can unscrew end of steering column were ignition swith bit is and you can use a small screw driver to start car all the best tiga.
Thanks for the advice tigapiglet.

It looks like I'm going to have to change the whole assembly, steering lock and all. Damned replacements over £100 though!!!!!

HELLS TEETH:eek: .....it better come gold plated!

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