
New Member
Hey,everybody.Sorted out my problem with the CAV Pump.I took all your advice and slowly worked my way forward,from the Fuel Tank.And would'nt you know it,the last try on getting it to run and not Die was having a good look at a Funky looking Cork Gasket,on the side of the Injector Pump,theres a small Inspection Plate,with two small Bolts,I pulled that off,and MY GOD,you would not believe how Crappy it was,swollen/Crumbly,beyond recognition.Flushed it Out real good,Bam,That was IT!
I have a Question though.I did'nt get it all out,how far into the Pump Works could this Crap have gotten.I'm afraid I might be looking at a long Bus ride to the nearest big Town,where I have seen a "Diesel Lab",all Spanish speaking of course.I don't have the Money right now for a BIG TEAR DOWN.Thanks.

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