
New Member
Hi, I have just bought my first Land Rover and I think I have bought a pig. I really like my Land Rover but it keeps Kangarooing - Any help would be most welcome.

The Land Rover is a Discovery 3.9 EFI Auto 1997. It had a LPG conversion is 2003.

When on petrol it kangaroos and when it is on gas it won't tick-over.

I would be pleased if anyone could suggest any thing I could try to solve the problem.

Regards John
Hmm. Could be a number of things but most likely is probably somewhere in the fuel system. Test the fuel pump first.
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I've only just bought the car, sorry but no idea when the LPG was last serviced.

I've checked the fuel delivery by taking off the fuel pipes near the rear top of the engine and with extension fuel hose into a bottle I got about half a litre in just a few seconds.

Regards John
Is it also kangarooing on Gas? if so it could be a problem somewhere in the drivetrain (perhaps the torque converter locking up) in which case check the prop shafts as they may need greasing or replacing. If its not kangarooing on LPG then it will probably be a fuel system issue.
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I've heard of people saying that there car runs like a pig on fuel but switch it across to lpg and it runs like a dream. Wondering if you have a leak on the intake manifold or gasket, which is allowing to much air in. Also are all the lpg injectors sealed
Hi, Thank you the info I will check air leakage to the manifold.

The kangarooing is only on the petrol.

Regards John

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