
New Member
Iv just been informed by a freind who had his vw r32 stolen Saturday night that there's a gang in Sheffield targeting specific cars the main 2 was locked up for 4 years and have now been out just over a month the police section who are dealing with the case said car crime has gone up a lot since they were released they entered his house while he was in bed also 2 children asleep upstairs just thought I'd keep you all upto date lads:)
i will mate as far as i know there from manor top area and are very good at it if people could keep an eye out for the r32 its blue with private reg its been put on sheffield forum and been seen around manor area cheers jon.
is it just me or is car crime getting a bit silly now?

You cant have **** all anymore!

no matter how well you lock it up and alarm it they just break into your house and take the keys anyway!

I know of a few landrovers round here going missing and my mates mini cooperS was taken in the same way as the R32 the other night.

Is it time for vigilante justice???!!
is it just me or is car crime getting a bit silly now?

You cant have **** all anymore!

no matter how well you lock it up and alarm it they just break into your house and take the keys anyway!

I know of a few landrovers round here going missing and my mates mini cooperS was taken in the same way as the R32 the other night.

Is it time for vigilante justice???!!

As I posted over on Landywatch - you don't want to get in a war with some of these people! - they know where you live, you don't know where they live.
If you ramp up hostilities beyond a certain point - they could torch your car... or worse!

Bear in mind that, if they are nicking these vehicles primarily for profit (as against joy riders), then the main defence is to address the risk benefit ratio - make it harder and possibly riskier, to make a profit.
Apart from making defences harder to get around, another idea is to consider the possibility of civil legal action (in addition to any criminal action that the police might bring), since the burden of proof is lower.
Of course, with villains, they are never going to pay £thousands in damages, but it allows their names to be published, and bailiffs can torment them long after some nominal custodial or suspended sentence. It all helps to take the 'fun' out of their business
Iv just been informed by a freind who had his vw r32 stolen Saturday night that there's a gang in Sheffield targeting specific cars the main 2 was locked up for 4 years and have now been out just over a month the police section who are dealing with the case said car crime has gone up a lot since they were released they entered his house while he was in bed also 2 children asleep upstairs just thought I'd keep you all upto date lads:)

Can you let us know where they live for obious reasons
Doesn't need to be a war if you play it right...

Leave it a while... balaclava and a bat... Beat them so hard they wake up in a puddle of their own ****...

If they are proper career criminals like a few I've had the displeasure of running into then they will have done that much to **** people off recently they have no idea who it could be!

This is all Hypothetical of course and i don't want anyone rushing out and beating up scum bags because I've told them to....
If I new where they lived mate I would have got the r32 bk iv got a map at home to see where they are most active really I shouldn't be doing this or wasting my time doing a job what the police should be doing,my mate has been looking for this r32 what is still driving around Sheffield as ppl have seen it so why have the police not seen it!!!!
Time we had some vigilante retribution of medieval ferocity against these scum. The legal system fails us every time even if these people are caught, they dont get the punishment that fits the crime.
Nick £10k from an institution like a bank you go down for a long time, nick a £10k motor and you get a slap on the wrist.
As I posted over on Landywatch - you don't want to get in a war with some of these people! - they know where you live, you don't know where they live.
If you ramp up hostilities beyond a certain point - they could torch your car... or worse!

Bear in mind that, if they are nicking these vehicles primarily for profit (as against joy riders), then the main defence is to address the risk benefit ratio - make it harder and possibly riskier, to make a profit.
Apart from making defences harder to get around, another idea is to consider the possibility of civil legal action (in addition to any criminal action that the police might bring), since the burden of proof is lower.
Of course, with villains, they are never going to pay £thousands in damages, but it allows their names to be published, and bailiffs can torment them long after some nominal custodial or suspended sentence. It all helps to take the 'fun' out of their business
Don't be such a pussy!
Your attitude is partly why people are such a soft touch in Britain!

FFS they aren't Ronnie or Reggie Kray you know or the mafia!
The authorities are good for paper chasing and clean-up after the crimes done not before or during!
Don't be such a pussy!
Your attitude is partly why people are such a soft touch in Britain!

FFS they aren't Ronnie or Reggie Kray you know or the mafia!
The authorities are good for paper chasing and clean-up after the crimes done not before or during!

You mistake my attitude! - I'm not saying we should roll over and let them take what they want - I'm saying take the war to them, don't have it on your doorstep.
Some years ago, on interrupting a set of thieves, they threatened to torch my house with the family in it.
Needless to say, when they were caught, the police didn't charge them (it was only an attempt, after all) and so I could not legally access their addresses. The police are constrained by law to a reactive role.
That is not to say that I was entirely constrained from taking a more proactive approach.
They haven't been back.

One has to distinguish between winning the battle, and winning the war.:)
I dont know if I'm massively off the mark here but in my experience a certain type of person owns a Landy and its not your usual white collar type. I'd bet in a large number of cases the owner is a shooter, I know I am. We had an R32 go from 4 doors down from us. We watched from our loft bedroom window as they banged on the door with sledgehammers telling the owners to throw down the keys before they came in to get them. Obviously we were calling the police at this point.

I've often thought what I would do if that happened to me. I hang my Landy keys by my gun cabinet. Threaten my family and I'll open the cabinet before I unhook my keys. I just wonder why more theives dont get 'caught out' by the type of people I assume are Landy owners!
I've often thought what I would do if that happened to me. I hang my Landy keys by my gun cabinet. Threaten my family and I'll open the cabinet before I unhook my keys. I just wonder why more theives dont get 'caught out' by the type of people I assume are Landy owners!

Id hand the keys over - if my family were being threatened i would rather see my landy go than see them get hurt in any way shape or form. No matter if you keep a gun or not, when push comes to shove you are not going to start shooting at them cus you know it will result in you going to prison.

Landys can be repalced - family can't.
I dont know if I'm massively off the mark here but in my experience a certain type of person owns a Landy and its not your usual white collar type. I'd bet in a large number of cases the owner is a shooter, I know I am. We had an R32 go from 4 doors down from us. We watched from our loft bedroom window as they banged on the door with sledgehammers telling the owners to throw down the keys before they came in to get them. Obviously we were calling the police at this point.

I've often thought what I would do if that happened to me. I hang my Landy keys by my gun cabinet. Threaten my family and I'll open the cabinet before I unhook my keys. I just wonder why more theives dont get 'caught out' by the type of people I assume are Landy owners!

You're're massively off the mark
I don't think it unreasonable to answer the door (to someone with a sledgehammer) with a shotgun.
If you lived on your own, you'd probably be quite happy to do that.
But again, I'd point out that if you have a family in the house, and obviously they(the villains) know your address but you don't know theirs, the you're starting with a big disadvantage!
You need a strategy altogether more subtle, something cleverer, and ultimately, more evil

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