
New Member
Just noticed today that the guy who had the disco before me has glued/silicone the rear sunroof! Nightmare!
Gonna be a bit of a c£&! To dig/scrape out and clean up to fix it properly.theres already some things I've noticed thats have been parched up.had to get a bit of welding done which the bloke had said was done! Seems he just siliconed on a piece of metal to the chassis.Thank fully my friends a welder.sorted it.looking forward to finding more bits and pieces.
If it's not leaking I would leave it alone. However, most sunroof bodges don't work and you will probably have to replace the rubber seal to make it water tight.
If it's not leaking I would leave it alone. However, most sunroof bodges don't work and you will probably have to replace the rubber seal to make it water tight.

+1 Like most of the 'improvements' to Discos, this one's a bodge, cos pevious owner couldn't be arsed to fix it properly. Clean it up, get some new seals properly fitted, and enjoy laughing at other plebeians who only have one sunroof :D
first thing i did when i got my disco 1 was black mastik every window seal round the back! not the prettyest but im dry
You referring to the alpine windows? I've got a small leak, sunroofs and frames all taped up, so really not sure where the water is coming from
Hi cheers for the comments/info! I have a friend who's gonna help me remove the rooflining and replace the two seals on the sunroofs.

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