
New Member

I'd just like to say Hi to everyone on here.

I've just purchased a Land Rover 90 Pick Up 1988 which i'm sure i'll need you guys expertise on a few things.

I've been wanting a land rover for the past 20 years (my parents used to have one) so i turned 30 in January and was determined to get one so found the 90 from a company next to where i work and bought.

My next aim is to convert to a Hard Top version as it will be more practical having a 4 year old and running parents around shopping etc.

I'll be hopefully put some threads on with various help and advise.

I look forward to speaking to you guys.

Cheer Sarah
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As an equal opportunities forum it's our aim to offend everyone without fear or favour.

We have quite a few women in the tratter sections now, as well as a few men that like to pretend to be women but they mostly argue about who's turn it is to wear the community dress.

In days gone by we use to warn new members about wandering unprepared into 'Anything Goes' but unless you have an irrational fear of scatter cushions or photos of babies that advice is mostly redundant.

A good sense of humour helps (apart from in the Rangie section where a Butler is considered an acceptable substitute) so have a look around and join in the fun :welcome:

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