Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote!


New Member
Hi everyone,

Seen loads of questions on many forums asking about insurance for under 25 drivers.

Just thought I would tell people that the cheapest I found after ringing many people including Adrian Flux, was with Elephant/Admiral(same company) for £860 fully comp on a 1998 Defender 90, with 0 no claims bonus.

Hope this helps some people! Need any more information just ask.

How the hell did you get it this cheap? Very time I look its a joke! I'm 19 been driving for a year but not got any no claims I live in Birmingham is there a trick to getting it cheap or?
Yeah depends where you live your occupation ect mines 970 fully comp with 2 years no claims with NFU mods declared might get mine mileage restricted as it isn't my main car see I that makes any difference ?
Im 18 so mines fookin expensive, but one of the cheaper quotes I got was with Elephant, though due to many mods it was proving difficult with em so I went with another company.
I am 21 with a 2002 110 TD5 station wagon. My renewal just came through from Bell (Part of Admiral/Elephant group) for £900 with 1 years no claims. I don't think they realise it is a 9 seater though. Anyone who asks about seats quotes silly money again (eg adrian flux £2000+).
Any ideas on they didn't ask, so I didn't tell?
Mods declared aswell though I don't think they cover mod value.
I am 21 with a 2002 110 TD5 station wagon. My renewal just came through from Bell (Part of Admiral/Elephant group) for £900 with 1 years no claims. I don't think they realise it is a 9 seater though. Anyone who asks about seats quotes silly money again (eg adrian flux £2000+).
Any ideas on they didn't ask, so I didn't tell?
Mods declared aswell though I don't think they cover mod value.

mate you need to tell them your up the creek if you have a bump and it comes to light
There is absolutely nothing on the policy about number of seats in the car or any Terms and conditions excluding numbers of seats. I honestly had never thought about it until I have been looking at new quotes now with the renewal.
I paid £1900 for this year on the insurance and assumed that was down to the type of car with seats etc.
Ill let them know when I speak to them about it though. Last thing I want is the slimey gets finding any excuse not to pay up.
Mine is about £400 fully comp with admiral multi-car and I am 24 my missis is also covered too, she is 23 :)
There is absolutely nothing on the policy about number of seats in the car or any Terms and conditions excluding numbers of seats. I honestly had never thought about it until I have been looking at new quotes now with the renewal.
I paid £1900 for this year on the insurance and assumed that was down to the type of car with seats etc.
Ill let them know when I speak to them about it though. Last thing I want is the slimey gets finding any excuse not to pay up.

I wouldn't bother it stats number of seats on log book so they should have info from your reg.
They don't need an excuse to not pay out, they give you peanuts anyway.
There is absolutely nothing on the policy about number of seats in the car or any Terms and conditions excluding numbers of seats. I honestly had never thought about it until I have been looking at new quotes now with the renewal.
I paid £1900 for this year on the insurance and assumed that was down to the type of car with seats etc.
Ill let them know when I speak to them about it though. Last thing I want is the slimey gets finding any excuse not to pay up.

A long time back before seat belt laws a work colleague had a bump on motorway with 4 kids two adults in a sierra he had hell. Insurance claimed car over loaded by 1 person. This came out when sorting recovery and they asked how many people, with out thinking he said the amount.
I am 21 with a 2002 110 TD5 station wagon. My renewal just came through from Bell (Part of Admiral/Elephant group) for £900 with 1 years no claims. I don't think they realise it is a 9 seater though. Anyone who asks about seats quotes silly money again (eg adrian flux £2000+).
Any ideas on they didn't ask, so I didn't tell?
Mods declared aswell though I don't think they cover mod value.

That could quite easily be construed as a lie by omission. Any lawyer in the land could argue, on their behalf, that you obviously knew that by telling them how many seats your price would be affected. So you just avoided telling them.
Better safe than sorry, give them a call and then you can take the moral high ground if they have made a mistake. Giving you a good bargaining position to get a better price if they do hike it up due to seating capacity eg: they come back with £1800 for 7 seater you tell them they messed up and if you hadn't been so vigilant their mistake could've caused you a world of hassle, as a gesture of goodwill, is there not a better price they can give you. :D

Mods are the biggest con out in insurance. They sometimes charge more depending on the mods but I've never known anyone get more than book price for the official version of the veh insured, no matter how much spent on mods :mad:
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I am with AF (doont troll me :eek: ) - I have a fair few mods, though I suppose nothing big, no lift , no winch, no big intercooler and noo uprated turbos. Is a 200tdi SW with: roof rack, snorkle, bull bar, rock sliders, under side protection, stright through mid pipe (soon total I would hope) and some other stuff. I pay a fair bit more than 2K put it that way :D. Tis a rip off but its the best price I could get without lying about mods - which wouldnt be good for a person my age if involved in an accident weather my fault or not. Luckily, nothing yet. Hopefully never. For the other cars sake and me insurance :p. So when I come to insure me 90 next, I am praying I will have a years NCB which should take a grand off it at least. You get better deals when you are a new customer to a business usually so I am sure that I will change companies to save some pennies. Note that if you have a Defender van you can get it **** cheap from Aviva online. only about £800. Thoo they want £4500 for a station wagon - fook off!

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