doodle bug

Well-Known Member
First post so please be gentle! After reading these posts about stolen motors i can,t understand why you don,t stamp your own code on many of the parts ie winches bumpers ect ect even body panels can be stamped !! then if stolen parts come up for sale you have your code as long as you remember to write it down and keep it safe . an hour spent with a stamp set might just pay off ! After saying that im lucky enough to live in an area where car crime is unknown i can leave mine unlocked all night and its still there in the morning but this is not england and we don,t have gangs of caravan dwelling thieves roaming about !!!!! sorry i don,t want to live in england. you have very nice land rovers but too many thieves.
I used to stamp ally wheels on me cars with the No on my drivers licence, the one after your abrieviated name.
It payed off once and I got my wheels back after some local scallies nicked em.:)

e.g. **** P89 HX dont mean owt to anyone else.
Merci landowner ! you have proved my point it does work ! :D maybe the JUST once could get someones land rover back !!!!!!
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Was thinking of what to stamp when marking. Thought of the vin, but like the driver number idea.

Thing was, when I showed the copper my drivers licence and asked him to check the wheels on a said car he was convinced.
The numbers were so individual to me that the wheels must have been mine, the scallies must have thought that the code was for wheel design or type.
Well worth the price of the stamps and I still do it..:)
After reading some of the horror stories in this section recently it has crossed my mind to weld my name into the chassis next time I have the welder out.
ive never thought of stamping those numbers on me vehicle before but i do with certain tools i have such as me 9" grinder nail guns cement mixer etc

when i get a series itll be one of the things on me to do list during any work done from now on

specialy on me slitty ( l200s are now being nicked just for the engines believe it or not cant get one for less that £1700 just for the block ) so they just nick em :eek::eek:

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