
Hello all,

Just when I thought I'd ironed out all my problems (I'm joking, I know a problem free 300tdi doesn't exist).

My 1996 300tdi has developed a juddering. I initially thought this was worst in 3rd gear, but I now think it's more to do with speed - with the dash almost vibrating apart between 25 - 35mph.

I just wondered if anyone has had a similar experience? This issue developed whilst towing a trailer load full of waste to the tip. And unfortunately the problem is still there even without towing. It's probably unrelated but I thought I'd mention it for what it's worth.

My initial idea was potentially a worn engine mount, but surely this would vibrate on idle? The juddering changes depending on how much throttle I'm applying. There is absolutely no judder on idle, or when rolling with the clutch in.

Any ideas would be very gratefully received!

Many thanks, Jack.
Did the 300 have a dual mass flywheel? Sounds like my TD5 symptoms when that failed........? Someone who knows will be along I'm sure. Good luck, A
My guess would be worn or broken prop shaft UJs. The extra weight of the trailer could have hastened the demise. Have you had a look underneath and felt for play?

Would probably give the same symptoms when rolling though.....unless they need drive to show the wobble.
Morning all, thanks for your responses.

I had a little crawl underneath yesterday and topped up the diff oil in both just to rule that out. Seems to have improved slightly, but that may be positive thinking kicking in.

Really stupid question, but will it be obvious where to check my UJ’s and driveshafts? I’m very new to car mechanics, but I’ll take a look tonight and I’ll check for play on anything I can see!

Thanks all.
Put the Landy in gear, chock the wheels and take the handbrake off. Slide under it, grab the propshaft and twist back and forth. Anything more that a little bit of movement at the UJ is too much. Listen for clunks and rattles while you do this.
My 90 did a similar thing but when coasting. Turned out to be the hand brake binding a bit. Just backed it off a quarter turn on the adjuster and it’s ok now. Felt like I had square tyres!!
It’s an easy win and worth a shot if you dont find any issues while the props are fitted.
Seized uj’s can cause similar issues but you will need to disconnect the props to find that.
Hi Neil and Rich,

Thanks for the responses. Been away for a couple of days so I’ll get under it tonight - thanks a lot.
My hand brake is terrible and I have to pull it all the way up so I doubt it would be this - but I’ll loosen it all the way off if I don’t find any play in the prop.

I’ll keep you posted, thanks again.
If your hand brake is terrible it would be worth giving it a strip and clean / lube.
It’s possible that the shoes are not fully retracting and so could still cause juddering. Worth a look while you’re there!
Is the judder through the body or steering or both? Panhard rod bush failure can cause some odd characteristics as the axle moves side to side, but I’ve never experienced a violent judder as a result of one (or both) failing. Still, something else to poke at but it sounds more Drive train related
Definitely sounds like a UJ issue. Handbrake expander unit can gum-up on older vehicles, this leads to the shoes binding on the drum as they are prevented from retracting fully. The expander is inside the brake drum, so will require rear prop removal for inspection.
I’d first check your UJs visually and with a pry bar though.
As long as it's not this sort of thing ...

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