
Well-Known Member
hi all

I've got a 98my 300 manual disco with a developing issue I would like some advice with please

I don't know if juddering is the right word really but when I go on or off the throttle the vehicle sort of jerks a few times before settling and feeling smooth. It almost feels like bad transmission slop but I'm convinced it isn't that. I get the feeling it's something to do with the pump, it sort of feels like something inside isn't tight and is moving or flapping about a bit inside before settling

I know all this sounds daft and it is hard to explain but I'm just hoping that if anyone out there has had this before or is good with the ve pump then you will understand because it is getting worse and is hard to live with, sometimes it is that bad that I have to dip the clutch whilst moving and release it again and hope for smoothness, but this said, it's nothing to do with the clutch or gear changes, it's usually when I'm moving slowly and increase or decrease the amount of throttle, it's odd to explain...please help


Could be a clutch plate starting to fail, the damper springs can weaken and cause a rattle / slop or the rivets can fail and then you will loose all drive. There is a spring and bob weight affair in the pump which kind of balance each other to maintain a steady throttle (rpm) setting (try searching YouTube for VE pump operation (or something similar)),could be something to do with that, however that is a pump strip job.
Cheers for that

Don't think it's clutch but Ya never know, it's a thought. Il try and find out about that pump thing but that sounds more like wot it feels like. It never used to do it but it's got worse lately


Loose throttle linkage? Engine/gearbox mounts worn or broke?
Just trying to think outside the box.
I've had a look but there's nothing obvious, next time I get it on the ramp and there's 2 of us il look into it further tho.

I thought a knackered donut might of been a good bit of it but I've converted the prop and it's no different really


I had a similar problem it's turned out to be getting air in the fuel so I renewed the fuel lines as they had joins in them and bypassed the sediment filter... It worked a treat but now the lift pumps knacked so I'm fitting an electric one soon!
Well funny you should say that...I had a going on with the disco when I first got it, long story short, I eventually found that one of the blanked off holes in the sedimenter had a knackered washer and it was letting air in, not much, but enough to make it miss and run like a pile of poo. However, it did not do this damned juddering thing, but, the other day I was on a long smooth road and I though I felt it miss again like it did before and it did make me wonder...


Yeah I'd defiantly try fuel lines first and probably one of your cheapest option they cost me £18 and took a hour or so... If you do fuel lines just bypass the sediment there useless pieces of poo and are pointless being there I know the defender 300tdi they didn't bother with them.

Yeah I think I might have to go over them all again, just to rule them out if nothing else



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