
Jeeps Keep Brother of a Budding Serial Killer Busy

This is a true story.

After graduating high school, I didn't know what to do with my life.
I had a notion to attend Akron University in 1984, but that was soon
squashed. Thankfully, it turns out for the good!

My mother remarried in 1984 just after I graduated High School. She
moved into her new husband's home. It was her 3rd marriage, not
because of divorce, but rather she was widowed twice. Her first husband
committed suicide in 1969, and her second died in 1982 from bad heath,
and a very bad disposition I might add. I came from a family that had
little hope for the future.

My mother has issues - serious issues. It was common for me to hear
the repeated phrase from her, "I wish I were just dead!" I was
young and naive and didn't understand then, that my mother suffers a
mental illness. Maybe part genetic, and certainly part circumstantial,
but whatever the case, I certainly never heard a positive message from
my mentors. I having red hair and being slightly smaller than the
average person of my age didn't exactly foster the ideal environment
for a good self image either.

The 1984 & 1985 was a dizzying time. I'd hoped to move into my
mother's new home until I found a way to get into and through
college. Well, the invitation never came. So, I asked if I could move
in. The reply was, that would be an inconvenience and they never
planned for me such a place. So, I retracted the notion back in 1984
and for the next year I scraped a living washing cars at local car
dealerships in Ravenna.

That year my mother began having problems in her marriage and home. She
overdosed on medicine once and after I received a strange incoherent
phone call from her, I rushed over and took her to the hospital not
knowing what she had done. She was alright, aside from the fact that
she was incessantly cursing her husband for no apparent reason. Hey -
she definitely had issues that year. She was living with her husband in
a home that had 6 people: she and her husband, his son, his daughter,
and their spouses. That's a hard thing for my mother - she's a
social recluse - has religious issues too, and is so judgmental it is
hard to explain. Many occasions she has accused people of being demon
possessed. Well, that kind of attitude doesn't make for a healthy
social structure if you know what I mean.

I was feed up with those circumstances and I decided that I'd make a
career out of the military, so in 1985 I joined the US Air Force in
hopes that a brighter future did actually exist. In the spring of 1987,
several months after settling into my first assignment at Eielson AFB,
Alaska, my mother showed up, looking for me to provide her a place to
live, having left her husband for the Nth time. That lasted a week and
just as I was to finalize where we were going to live and what to do
for a practical car for her, off she went ... left me spinning in the
dust cloud. She returned to Ohio.

What was happening I've concluded was that one of my recently
acquired step-brothers, by my mothers' last marriage, had harbored
great feelings against her. A greater hatred than most people will
know. He lived with her for a year and couldn't abide her
"issues." Two families came together under one roof in 1984, and
that set the stage for certain disaster.

My step-brothers name is Glenn L. Benner II, and if you have seen Akron
Ohio news, you'll know that Feb. 7th, 2006, he was put to death under
Ohio laws. His rampage of hate I come to believe is a byproduct of many
things: his mother had past away, he turned to drugs, alcohol,
attempted suicide, and finally the addition of a judgmental step-mom
with mental issues introduced into the family home. Hence spurred his
rampage of hate and became a budding serial killer. So, he became
caught, convicted, and the families tried to move on with their
lives... well... make your own conclusion!

In February 2004, I spoke my last words to my mother. This is going to
be hard to believe, but God strike me down if it isn't true. I asked
my mother and step-father if they still harbored the ring that they
claimed to be from one of Glenn L. Benner II dead victims. You see 19
years after the murders; they still had the jewelry they recovered from
the family car - jewelry that Glenn L. Benner II hid there. My mother
was awestruck for me to even speak of such a thing. My step father
looked at my disturbed, paranoid mother and said, "It doesn't
matter now - she's dead!"

That was the last time I spoke to them.

I've told this story to the Akron Beacon Newspaper reporter Stephanie
Warsmith, channel 3 News reporter Vic Gideon, and the Captain of the
police department in Akron - Captain Monchalow.

Captain Monchalow has been on the case for 20 years, and has since paid
a visit to the Benners'. He hoped that he could return the jewelry to
the grieving victim's families. He asked the Benners' if they had
such a ring that I spoke to him about. Can you guess what the Benners'
reaction was? They weren't in any trouble by returning the ring, but
they denied knowing anything about it. Typical.

Glenn L. Benner II, convicted killer, is my step-brother. I didn't
know him well, I'd only met him a couple times between summer 1984
and 1985. My mother (Margaret A. Mansfield) married his father (Glenn
Lee Benner) in 1984 just after I graduated from Rootstown High School.
I really mean when I say "thank God that I was not involved!" You
may say it was good fortune or some coincidence for the good, but if I
have anything to say, then it would be that someone on high has smiled
on me.

It helps greatly to understand the background of (not my step family)
my real blood related extended family. Certainly, I do regret having
spent so much of my time and effort into their well being. I am the
youngest of 5 siblings and most fortunate. I've had the opportunity
to observe and understand the fiasco-based nature of their conducts.

Having done years a research into family history, I have discovered
that our family suffers from a genetic-based mental illness. The
afflicted can't see past cynicism and judgmentalism to understand
acceptable ethical conduct. It naturally breeds anti-social personality
disorder, bi-polar-ness, and even schizophrenia. Things that society
looks upon as good, to the afflicted are a scourge. Good becomes bad to
them, and the bad becomes good. The affliction, or should I say
disease, produces a backwards philosophical nightmarish existence.

How else would you explain these?

· In January 8, 1969, my father is said to have committed suicide at
the back door of his home in Cuyahoga Falls. Later that morning, my
second oldest brother discovers a corps. (Personal comment: guns create
awfully loud bang. Interesting isn't it that my mother didn't hear
it being no more than 20ft away inside her bedroom? I've heard
snippets of all the fighting that took place between my oldest brother
and father and mother! Hmmm...)
· Soon after, my oldest brother goes to prison for armed robbery.
(Personal comment: I've heard my mother comment on the subject from
time to time, most disturbing though is what she said, "...he got
caught because his friends ratted him out..." Excuse me but isn't
crime a punishable thing?)
· Soon after that, my second oldest brother goes A.W.O.L. from the
marines, comes home and destroys the house, and puts a hammer though
the TV in the living room. He is diagnosed with a mental illness and
deemed unable to cope with society and is put on disability welfare.
(Personal comment: I remember the scene having only been a few years
old. I have a photographic memory - I remember even my first
birthday. I'm beginning to see a pattern here - one that has
lasted from then up to the present.)
· Long after, my older sister reveals to the family that she has
slept with more boys than she can count on her two hands, twice over,
before the age of 17. Holy cow Batman! That explains why you've had 6
different husbands to date!
· ... There is just too much to list ... it would grieve you out to
hear all the destruction. All you have to do is research the public
record of Portage and Summit counties to see.

But here's something public records don't readily reveal:

· Christmas 1991, I announced to my extended family that my wife was
pregnant and we will be having a baby in August 1992. My mother left
the room and went to the kitchen. Sarah and I went to see her hoping
she would be joyous of the news only to be devastated to hear my mother
say, "Don't get your hopes up." (Personal comment: Perhaps you
don't know how devastatingly hurtful that comment was?)
· August 5, 1991, my daughter was born and now all the plans that my
mother made with my sister to come see us in Dayton, Ohio - I thought
would be joyous, yet it was not. You see, when I called my mother to
tell her the good news, she was depressed. She totally changed her mind
and didn't want to see us. (Personal comment: I now realize my
mothers' mental illness causes her to hate my nuclear family, and I
have overlooked all that in the past but I can't help to see a
pattern here. Sadly, she was mentally unfit to drive that day and in
doing so it cost some ones life. My nephew lost his life when my mother
ran her truck off the road. The death of a family member on my
daughter's birthday? Who believes this to be an accident? Come on -
is it so unclear? It was mental illness. She has never visited my
daughter on her birthday - ever!).

Fortunately there is hope and recovery with treatment; that is, if
treatment is sought after. I was smart enough to have recognized it.
While I have sought treatment, my afflicted extended family can not
accept this. Peoples overpowering need to judge causes them to
criticize. So rather, my philosophical ideologies on life are ones of
'hope and a bright outlook for the future'. How people live with
themselves under such circumstances and justify their actions is sad.

This history is an extremely hard thing for me to accept - having
helped other, gave, forgave and overlooked fiasco after grieving
fiasco, year after year after year. Then having moved from Boston,
Massachusetts, and leaving a very high profile career in Nuclear
Missile Defense, just to help family only to witness their ever
deteriorating state, well... It's hard. I'm not so naive these
days. Matter of fact, having dealt with such far fetched wierdness;
it's guaranteed that I ain't takin any more **** from no one these
days. You have to grow-up and decide where your loyalties are and who
your true friends are. After all, we are human beings able to make
choices. Even the mentally ill can choose. Getting help is a choice. I

I keep busy these days... real busy. What ever it is I can find to
occupy my time, then that I do. I build 4x4 Jeeps to help occupy that
time. They are not pretty, cause any piece of steel left laying around
just might get welded on if I think it could occupy me for an hour.
Better just to keep busy. History shall record all our deeds. The
Benners budding serial killer is in print everywhere. Public records
clearly show much of the rest of my families past 40 years of
mischievousness too. Perhaps this story will help you understand what
it's like to wear my shoes, so-to-speak. I choose rather to be known
by the good things I have accomplished. Integrity is important to me,
it was important for my pioneering family ancestors, it was important
for our Nations forefathers, it is important to a healthy society, and
I dare venture to say it is important to the man upstairs. If it takes
History to reveal that, then so be it. I can wait. Bravo!

- Eric Warman

I read the whole thing. Good for you! Makes me appreciate my sane, normal

-jeff (born on at least 2nd base by comparison)

in article 1141323559.851771.208770@v46g2000cwv.googlegroups.com, Crash at
thewarman@yahoo.com wrote on 3/2/06 10:19 AM:

> Jeeps Keep Brother of a Budding Serial Killer Busy
> This is a true story.
> After graduating high school, I didn't know what to do with my life.
> I had a notion to attend Akron University in 1984, but that was soon
> squashed. Thankfully, it turns out for the good!
> My mother remarried in 1984 just after I graduated High School. She
> moved into her new husband's home. It was her 3rd marriage, not
> because of divorce, but rather she was widowed twice. Her first husband
> committed suicide in 1969, and her second died in 1982 from bad heath,
> and a very bad disposition I might add. I came from a family that had
> little hope for the future.
> My mother has issues - serious issues. It was common for me to hear
> the repeated phrase from her, "I wish I were just dead!" I was
> young and naive and didn't understand then, that my mother suffers a
> mental illness. Maybe part genetic, and certainly part circumstantial,
> but whatever the case, I certainly never heard a positive message from
> my mentors. I having red hair and being slightly smaller than the
> average person of my age didn't exactly foster the ideal environment
> for a good self image either.
> The 1984 & 1985 was a dizzying time. I'd hoped to move into my
> mother's new home until I found a way to get into and through
> college. Well, the invitation never came. So, I asked if I could move
> in. The reply was, that would be an inconvenience and they never
> planned for me such a place. So, I retracted the notion back in 1984
> and for the next year I scraped a living washing cars at local car
> dealerships in Ravenna.
> That year my mother began having problems in her marriage and home. She
> overdosed on medicine once and after I received a strange incoherent
> phone call from her, I rushed over and took her to the hospital not
> knowing what she had done. She was alright, aside from the fact that
> she was incessantly cursing her husband for no apparent reason. Hey -
> she definitely had issues that year. She was living with her husband in
> a home that had 6 people: she and her husband, his son, his daughter,
> and their spouses. That's a hard thing for my mother - she's a
> social recluse - has religious issues too, and is so judgmental it is
> hard to explain. Many occasions she has accused people of being demon
> possessed. Well, that kind of attitude doesn't make for a healthy
> social structure if you know what I mean.
> I was feed up with those circumstances and I decided that I'd make a
> career out of the military, so in 1985 I joined the US Air Force in
> hopes that a brighter future did actually exist. In the spring of 1987,
> several months after settling into my first assignment at Eielson AFB,
> Alaska, my mother showed up, looking for me to provide her a place to
> live, having left her husband for the Nth time. That lasted a week and
> just as I was to finalize where we were going to live and what to do
> for a practical car for her, off she went ... left me spinning in the
> dust cloud. She returned to Ohio.
> What was happening I've concluded was that one of my recently
> acquired step-brothers, by my mothers' last marriage, had harbored
> great feelings against her. A greater hatred than most people will
> know. He lived with her for a year and couldn't abide her
> "issues." Two families came together under one roof in 1984, and
> that set the stage for certain disaster.
> My step-brothers name is Glenn L. Benner II, and if you have seen Akron
> Ohio news, you'll know that Feb. 7th, 2006, he was put to death under
> Ohio laws. His rampage of hate I come to believe is a byproduct of many
> things: his mother had past away, he turned to drugs, alcohol,
> attempted suicide, and finally the addition of a judgmental step-mom
> with mental issues introduced into the family home. Hence spurred his
> rampage of hate and became a budding serial killer. So, he became
> caught, convicted, and the families tried to move on with their
> lives... well... make your own conclusion!
> In February 2004, I spoke my last words to my mother. This is going to
> be hard to believe, but God strike me down if it isn't true. I asked
> my mother and step-father if they still harbored the ring that they
> claimed to be from one of Glenn L. Benner II dead victims. You see 19
> years after the murders; they still had the jewelry they recovered from
> the family car - jewelry that Glenn L. Benner II hid there. My mother
> was awestruck for me to even speak of such a thing. My step father
> looked at my disturbed, paranoid mother and said, "It doesn't
> matter now - she's dead!"
> That was the last time I spoke to them.
> I've told this story to the Akron Beacon Newspaper reporter Stephanie
> Warsmith, channel 3 News reporter Vic Gideon, and the Captain of the
> police department in Akron - Captain Monchalow.
> Captain Monchalow has been on the case for 20 years, and has since paid
> a visit to the Benners'. He hoped that he could return the jewelry to
> the grieving victim's families. He asked the Benners' if they had
> such a ring that I spoke to him about. Can you guess what the Benners'
> reaction was? They weren't in any trouble by returning the ring, but
> they denied knowing anything about it. Typical.
> Glenn L. Benner II, convicted killer, is my step-brother. I didn't
> know him well, I'd only met him a couple times between summer 1984
> and 1985. My mother (Margaret A. Mansfield) married his father (Glenn
> Lee Benner) in 1984 just after I graduated from Rootstown High School.
> I really mean when I say "thank God that I was not involved!" You
> may say it was good fortune or some coincidence for the good, but if I
> have anything to say, then it would be that someone on high has smiled
> on me.
> It helps greatly to understand the background of (not my step family)
> my real blood related extended family. Certainly, I do regret having
> spent so much of my time and effort into their well being. I am the
> youngest of 5 siblings and most fortunate. I've had the opportunity
> to observe and understand the fiasco-based nature of their conducts.
> Having done years a research into family history, I have discovered
> that our family suffers from a genetic-based mental illness. The
> afflicted can't see past cynicism and judgmentalism to understand
> acceptable ethical conduct. It naturally breeds anti-social personality
> disorder, bi-polar-ness, and even schizophrenia. Things that society
> looks upon as good, to the afflicted are a scourge. Good becomes bad to
> them, and the bad becomes good. The affliction, or should I say
> disease, produces a backwards philosophical nightmarish existence.
> How else would you explain these?
> · In January 8, 1969, my father is said to have committed suicide at
> the back door of his home in Cuyahoga Falls. Later that morning, my
> second oldest brother discovers a corps. (Personal comment: guns create
> awfully loud bang. Interesting isn't it that my mother didn't hear
> it being no more than 20ft away inside her bedroom? I've heard
> snippets of all the fighting that took place between my oldest brother
> and father and mother! Hmmm...)
> · Soon after, my oldest brother goes to prison for armed robbery.
> (Personal comment: I've heard my mother comment on the subject from
> time to time, most disturbing though is what she said, "...he got
> caught because his friends ratted him out..." Excuse me but isn't
> crime a punishable thing?)
> · Soon after that, my second oldest brother goes A.W.O.L. from the
> marines, comes home and destroys the house, and puts a hammer though
> the TV in the living room. He is diagnosed with a mental illness and
> deemed unable to cope with society and is put on disability welfare.
> (Personal comment: I remember the scene having only been a few years
> old. I have a photographic memory - I remember even my first
> birthday. I'm beginning to see a pattern here - one that has
> lasted from then up to the present.)
> · Long after, my older sister reveals to the family that she has
> slept with more boys than she can count on her two hands, twice over,
> before the age of 17. Holy cow Batman! That explains why you've had 6
> different husbands to date!
> · ... There is just too much to list ... it would grieve you out to
> hear all the destruction. All you have to do is research the public
> record of Portage and Summit counties to see.
> But here's something public records don't readily reveal:
> · Christmas 1991, I announced to my extended family that my wife was
> pregnant and we will be having a baby in August 1992. My mother left
> the room and went to the kitchen. Sarah and I went to see her hoping
> she would be joyous of the news only to be devastated to hear my mother
> say, "Don't get your hopes up." (Personal comment: Perhaps you
> don't know how devastatingly hurtful that comment was?)
> · August 5, 1991, my daughter was born and now all the plans that my
> mother made with my sister to come see us in Dayton, Ohio - I thought
> would be joyous, yet it was not. You see, when I called my mother to
> tell her the good news, she was depressed. She totally changed her mind
> and didn't want to see us. (Personal comment: I now realize my
> mothers' mental illness causes her to hate my nuclear family, and I
> have overlooked all that in the past but I can't help to see a
> pattern here. Sadly, she was mentally unfit to drive that day and in
> doing so it cost some ones life. My nephew lost his life when my mother
> ran her truck off the road. The death of a family member on my
> daughter's birthday? Who believes this to be an accident? Come on -
> is it so unclear? It was mental illness. She has never visited my
> daughter on her birthday - ever!).
> Fortunately there is hope and recovery with treatment; that is, if
> treatment is sought after. I was smart enough to have recognized it.
> While I have sought treatment, my afflicted extended family can not
> accept this. Peoples overpowering need to judge causes them to
> criticize. So rather, my philosophical ideologies on life are ones of
> 'hope and a bright outlook for the future'. How people live with
> themselves under such circumstances and justify their actions is sad.
> This history is an extremely hard thing for me to accept - having
> helped other, gave, forgave and overlooked fiasco after grieving
> fiasco, year after year after year. Then having moved from Boston,
> Massachusetts, and leaving a very high profile career in Nuclear
> Missile Defense, just to help family only to witness their ever
> deteriorating state, well... It's hard. I'm not so naive these
> days. Matter of fact, having dealt with such far fetched wierdness;
> it's guaranteed that I ain't takin any more **** from no one these
> days. You have to grow-up and decide where your loyalties are and who
> your true friends are. After all, we are human beings able to make
> choices. Even the mentally ill can choose. Getting help is a choice. I
> did
> I keep busy these days... real busy. What ever it is I can find to
> occupy my time, then that I do. I build 4x4 Jeeps to help occupy that
> time. They are not pretty, cause any piece of steel left laying around
> just might get welded on if I think it could occupy me for an hour.
> Better just to keep busy. History shall record all our deeds. The
> Benners budding serial killer is in print everywhere. Public records
> clearly show much of the rest of my families past 40 years of
> mischievousness too. Perhaps this story will help you understand what
> it's like to wear my shoes, so-to-speak. I choose rather to be known
> by the good things I have accomplished. Integrity is important to me,
> it was important for my pioneering family ancestors, it was important
> for our Nations forefathers, it is important to a healthy society, and
> I dare venture to say it is important to the man upstairs. If it takes
> History to reveal that, then so be it. I can wait. Bravo!
> - Eric Warman


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