Well I've spent a lot of money, had some great times in "ryperd" but now the company is forcing me to drive the product we make so it's a 1 series beemer for me now:( I would have liked to keep her for the weekends but I just can't afford to run all the family cars on one salary.
We decided to say goodbye properly so a long weekend in the Kruger Park was done. She never missed a beat in 1300km even managed to get away from a charging elephant (the passengers were panicking so much, I never got the chance to take a photo):eek:
This forum is great for getting advice and I've used a lot of it to keep her in good nick. The disco is truley a wonderful vehicle even if owning one becomes a hobby. Who knows, when this current batch of German ex-pat managers have done their "training" in SA, it will get back to normal and i'll once more return to the best 4x4xfar.
I'll look at the forum occasionally just to see whats going on but I'll miss her very much.
they might own the the company but not you tell em f*** off you'l drive your own car live free . drive free and sod the germans
As everyone knows, the car industry worldwide is in the doldrums so every sale is important wether it's an internal or external sale. As a manager driving the product, I change it every 9 months thereby stimulating the new and used car sales.
My Td5 is a BMW / Land Rover project, the camshaft was made by BMW in Landshut but the powers that be are not interested. In fact as part of my performance bonus this year, driving the product will be part of it and I can't afford to risk +/- 2 months salary. As ex Land Rover employee before transferring to BMW there will always be a bit of Green and gold in my blood. I will return, when I do not know but I WILL return!!

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