
New Member
Well folks, Range Rover sold today. Sad to see it go really but hey ho.

I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all members for the help and support given during my few years of ownership. Special thanks to Datatek, Wammers and Irish Rover, however you are all very helpful and I have to say that this Forum is set apart from all the others, Trouble, you all help and advise for free, if you act like a pr..k then you members tell us so, take the ****, yes you all do but in good heart. Thats why its so good.

I have a few things in the garage if anyone wants them, free to anyone, you just pay the postage,

Valve Block, it has new 'o'rings all round
Air Pump ( not very old, it just didnt appreciate being asked to pump up a leaking airbag) will just need the piston seal replacing.

Good luck to you all

Good Luck with your new vehicle, hope you find a similar forum supporting whatever you choose.
All the best.
Sent in a PM Dave thanks, tell me what the post is and how you want it paid m8 its all in the PM anyway

Thanks for the kind post Dave.
That's the thing about this mad house....loads of p*ss taking and slagging but at the end of the day, 99% of members want to help others out of the ****e.
All the best for the future and keep popping in :behindsofa: just to see how us old farts are getting on and if overheating, EAS and HEVAC problems are still happening with the P38's !!!
May as well delete the rangie forum given that hardly anyone has a rangie these days lol
I feel your pain David. Mines up for sale having defected to the Xdrivers forum. After several years of good service it through a fit and blew up the window switch pack and the drivers door handle snapped as my mate the dealer came to pick it up. Moody cow.

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