
Well-Known Member
Haven't been on here in awhile, in fact about 18 months since doing a UK to Oz trip, settled in Oz in the South West, really happy with my move here and really enjoyed the voyage getting here.
The other day I fitted a battery to my Landy, checked a couple of connections and turned the key and away it went, unfortunately due to some dodgy advice from the RAC about the importation of my car I'm also now the proud owner of a Land Cruiser, although still prefer the Zebra.:D
It's a 1996 model, very quiet, comfortable and extremely reliable, but absolutely no character, every ####er and his uncle has got one here, barely any landies so the ones that are here stand out, can't wait to finally sort out the paperwork and start driving mine again.
Funnily enough a Landy is a great equaliser, as it doesn't matter who you are, where you are from or if you're rich or poor, everyone suddenly becomes interested!

When I got my first Series all my friends had escorts and laughed at my 'tank' ... until they found that I suddenly had a lot more female friends than them!!
When I got my first Series all my friends had escorts and laughed at my 'tank' ... until they found that I suddenly had a lot more female friends than them!!

So your saying if I buy a series I will no longer need to pay for escorts!? :D

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